Saturday, July 5, 2014

You Owe It To Yourself

Sitting by the phone waiting for the customer to call you is wishing. A wish is a day-dream. A wish is saying I don't have what it takes. Your dreams will not become reality unless you take action. You really do have complete control of the out come. You just need to ask yourself the basic question. Are you worth it? The answer should always be yes as this means you will do what it takes to make your goals.

The biggest road block to achieving your dreams are the negative thoughts that creep into your mind with the fear of failure. The world of sports for many is as a spectator. We are enamoured with talent. We wish we had it. How many times in life have you heard someone say I would give anything to play the piano or play golf like that. The reality is you wouldn't. There in lies the difference in being good at something or being an expert. I ask again. Are you worth it?

The world of life is for participants. If you're a spectator in life you will never accomplish your dreams and goals.  After you have stared at yourself in the mirror and determined your worth it, you must do the following. Write it down and keep it keep close at hand.
  • Step one is to obtain a positive mind set. " I can do this"
  • Step two is to acknowledge there will be failures but they will not hurt me. They will make me stronger and wiser.
  • Step three is acknowledge it will take time but you will remain true to yourself. The short play is seldom lasting.
  • Savor the small victories as they validate your worth it.
I like the analogy that a Super Bowl winning team or World Series winning team did not win every game of the season. These successful teams had some losses during the regular season. They learned from those losses to make themselves stronger. The same applies to life. Unlike the sports teams you must remember the whole nation is not watching you.
I suggest you not get that wrapped up in yourself. Telling the world your worth it is boastful. There is much to be said for humility. If you keep that promise to yourself that your worth it others will take notice of your accomplishments without you having to say a word. Unsolicited admiration in it's truest form validates that your worth it.
Paul's many years of business ownership and life experience have provided him with the expertise to help you deal with complex issues regarding success and obtaining your goals. Paul has developed a passion for writing and chooses to share this knowledge with his readers and clients.

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Why Is The Last 5% So Hard To Do?

Most everyone has those unfinished projects. They exist everywhere from fixing the little things around the house to very important projects at the office. I feel the first 95% is in the choose to range while the last 5% lives in the have to range. Have to lives where you don't like to go. The sticky gooey stuff. The little details. Have to is like work. Choose to is like fun. This is a rather simple observation but a grunt in real life. No one want's to do what they don't like doing.
Where does the answer lie? The smart money knows you do the part you don't like to do first. Once that's behind you it's clear sailing. The very best sales people do this when they have call reluctance. Get those first few calls behind them in the morning. Beware of what happens when you leave it to the afternoon. Your day has become busy doing stuff. Procrastination rarely shows up in the choose to realm.

I believe the best way to approach this is the same whether or not it's working toward your goal or chipping away at the to do list. It's called planning. There are all sorts of experts out there who will help reduce the clutter on your desk, tidy your office and clean up your priority list. All good stuff. Stripped down to the barest what needs to be cleared first is your mind. One must understand why the block is there. If your honest with yourself and take a look you will see what it is. You don't like that part. You are not comfortable in that space. I expect if you study it and get comfortable with it the confidence level will go up. Perhaps you need to seek some outside help. If you look at it from the perspective that all the time spent on getting the first 95% done will go to waste if you do not finish the project. This alone is reason enough to complete the project. Take stock of yourself and learn how to put a value on your time.

You need to turn the "Have To" things into "Choose To" things to get those tough unfinished projects behind you. Just think of how your career will take off. Senior Management will come to you because you get the job done and done well. The most important factor in all this is the feeling of accomplishment. After all, your worth it. Aren't you?

Stop Losing The Arguments You Have With Yourself

We all have it. That voice. The one that starts yakking at us the minute we consider leaving our comfort zone. How many times have you heard success is just outside your comfort zone. You know it, but it's like sticking your big toe into cold water. I'm not going in there. It's freezing. You know it's good for you yet you will not venture in.
It's the fear of failure for certain. It's also the fear of limiting beliefs. You know these things are true yet you never leave the barn to stretch your legs. I believe you have to gain that positive attitude to get past the limiting beliefs and embrace the fact you might not get it right the first time.
To get past these fears you have to understand the whole world is not watching you. In fact very few if any people are watching you. Yes, get over it. So you have a couple of choices if your going to step up and make lasting change.

  1. Chart your new course without saying a word. It's just you steaming along. One sure fired way to succeed is to start living and talking like you are already there. I expect you will be saying to yourself. This feels good!

  2. The other method is to tell others what you are going to do. This part has more risk as you now will have to live up to your commitment. In a sense these people become your accountability partners.

I believe the most successful of the two is the second method as you really do have people watching you. Why not put the power of both to work for you. You start to live as if you have already achieved your goal and then add the accountability piece of the second option.
Successful people know that you will fail more than you succeed. That's what makes success even sweeter. I love this quote by Truman Capote. "Failure is the condiment that gives success it's flavour."
It's impossible to be a success without a positive attitude. There are several ways to help you gain this attitude.

  1. Find a mentor. Someone you can emulate.

  2. Hang out with positive mended people. Loose the doubter friends.

  3. Tame the negative chatter in the back of your mind. Have the courage to change the topic.

Greatness is in all of us. Are you worth it? If the answer is no get professional help. If it's yes. Accepting that it's within you is step one. Wrapping your mind around the benefits of embracing change is step two. Living your dream is limitless. Success starts with a positive attitude.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Celebrating People Who Inspire Me

I have come to notice today both the strength and the fear in humility. It became obvious to me when I sent out six individual invitations to a small gathering I am holding next month for these people who inspire me.
The purpose is not self fulfilling but to let others know what they do and how they do it really matters. It is the success in their humility that makes them great in my eyes. They truly inspire me. In my eyes, they are worthy of praise.
What has transpired is what I expected to be a prompt yes became silence from three of the invitees. Upon reflection it is truly a reflection of their humility that they are possibly uncomfortable with being in the limelight even as small and intimate a gathering as it will be. I expect they were thinking why me. Whats Paul thinking?
It's a world filled with things we measure both at work and in our personal lives. I believe it is the things we don't measure that make people unique. My late father-in law used to say "Paul your are never a good shit until your dead. " "People will say the nicest things about you when your gone." Come to think of it, I believe he was right.
So why wait to say the nice things about deserving people until they are gone. The business world is quick to sing the praises of the captains of industry and commerce. We all know it takes talent and leadership to be a success in business. But, does it speak to who they are as a person? Some times in life it's not about the measurable things such as money. It's the soft side. The human side. The world has many people who are kind and caring. The people who inspire me are those who overcame personal challenges or who took risks to improve their lives and the lives of others including their families.
I await with excitement having these six amazing people who inspire me in the same room. Will it make me feel good? Of course it will. The real joy will be having the six people sharing their personal triumphs with each other without feeling boastful. Perhaps my little exercise will become contagious in that we will not have to wait until we are gone to have people say nice things about us. It's more than letting people know were thinking of them. It's about what we think of them.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Celebrating People Who Inspire Me

I have come to notice today both the strength and the fear in humility. It became obvious to me when I sent out six individual invitations to a small gathering I am holding next month for these people who inspire me.
The purpose is not self fulfilling but to let others know what they do and how they do it really matters. It is the success in their humility that makes them great in my eyes. They truly inspire me. In my eyes, they are worthy of praise.
What has transpired is what I expected to be a prompt yes became silence from three of the invitees. Upon reflection it is truly a reflection of their humility that they are possibly uncomfortable with being in the limelight even as small and intimate a gathering as it will be. I expect they were thinking why me. Whats Paul thinking?
It's a world filled with things we measure both at work and in our personal lives. I believe it is the things we don't measure that make people unique. My late father-in law used to say "Paul your are never a good shit until your dead. " "People will say the nicest things about you when your gone." Come to think of it, I believe he was right.
So why wait to say the nice things about deserving people until they are gone. The business world is quick to sing the praises of the captains of industry and commerce. We all know it takes talent and leadership to be a success in business. But, does it speak to who they are as a person? Some times in life it's not about the measurable things such as money. It's the soft side. The human side. The world has many people who are kind and caring. The people who inspire me are those who overcame personal challenges or who took risks to improve their lives and the lives of others including their families.
I await with excitement having these six amazing people who inspire me in the same room. Will it make me feel good? Of course it will. The real joy will be having the six people sharing their personal triumphs with each other without feeling boastful. Perhaps my little exercise will become contagious in that we will not have to wait until we are gone to have people say nice things about us. It's more than letting people know were thinking of them. It's about what we think of them.

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Do You Like The Person You See In The Mirror?

It's January and I expect you're reflecting on the coming year. You are probably thinking about things you want to change in your life. The old saying "there is always room for improvement" is right. We all know there is no silver bullet in success. There are many factors that will improve your chances of success like hard work, determination, persistence, who you know and the most importantly pushing past your comfort zone.
I am three-quarters through the book "The Brain That Changes Itself" by Dr. Norman Doidge. The stories in the book of the people who over came tremendous odds to their mental challenges is extremely inspiring. The one common theme in the book is the brain can rewire itself if given the task. The old use it or lose it is a requirement for a healthy brain. This does not mean use it the same every day but quite the opposite. Dr. Doidge tells us we are victims of our habits. Our daily routines have our brains using the same brain passage ways to accomplish our daily requirements. This creates a lazy brain. I expect the comfort zone travels this route many times in the run of a day!
I expect you're asking what does all this brain stuff have to do with telling the truth to the person in the mirror? I see this as a critical step. Your brain will believe what you tell it. I feel it's easy to look in the mirror and say your a victim. I am who I am due to external circumstances. This belief is disguised as an excuse you believe as fact. It's like leaving the bill that came in the mail unopened. Even though you know it's not good news you believe if you ignore it that it will go away. What I don't know won't hurt me so to say.
If I have not hit a nerve with you yet then you need to spend some extra mirror time. Take a long look yourself and ask yourself the question. Am I being honest with myself?
Things do not change for the better by wishing it to be so. Your allowing external forces to guide your direction in life will only lead to discontent. Your life will change because you made a conscious decision to improve yourself. Deep down inside you know you must do this. Don't wait until tomorrow to have that look in the mirror. The first step is believing your worth it. Your family and your career deserve the best that you can possibly be.