Sunday, May 22, 2011

How to Find a Role Model Who Inspires You

Finding a role model can be fun and easy if you approach it with the right mindset. The first bit of business is discover who has the attributes you most want to have. It does not have to be their business style as much as it would be their personality. It could be someone who has raised allot of money for charity. It could be someone who as accomplished great things yet is humble. It is someone who does not always take credit for what they do.
It is stated that there are five main human traits in role models.
  1. Open minded.
  2. Conscientiousness.
  3. Some element of extraversion?
  4. Agreeableness
  5. Emotionally stable.
Simply put, true role models are those people who possess the qualities we would like to have. We could likely have many of these traits that your role models posses and that is why we gravitate to them. We just don't know it yet. Keep in mind that we don't want to be or should we be exactly like them. Our own personality should blend with the qualities we admire in others. It is important we look closely at others for who they are adverse to what they are. Going through this exercise makes us more conscience of our own thoughts and helps us build on who we want to be. Always keep in mind we should remain unique.
So you need to put your thinking cap on.
  • Start writing down all the people who you admire. Just write them all down.
  • Once you have completed that task you should place them in order of the ones who you most admire.
  • Then you will take the top name and write down what it is about them you admire. Do this for the top few names on your list. I expect you will find some of the same traits in all of them.
  • This will help get you to the point where you have selected your role model.
  • Now comes the important part. You have to look inside yourself and ask do I already possess some of these traits. I expect that you do. In my view it boils down to your tendencies toward these five human traits mentioned above.
  • Can you transform yourself to become your own role model. In other words, to do the things you would admire some else for doing. How cool is that.
The road to being the best you can be is a wonderful journey if we embrace who we are and use this to your advantage. To do this we need to understand who we are and what we want to achieve. Role models are natures way to help us along this path. We looked up to people in our youth, so why can't we do it in adulthood? Many of these tendencies are not easy to teach. They are personal. Role models help bring clarity to our interpersonal aspirations. You will know when you have arrived as there will come a quite self confidence within yourself that only you can describe.

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Saturday, May 21, 2011

How to Have a Positive Attitude in a Negative Situation

Imagine you have taken a hit and things are bearing down on you. You just want to go and crawl in a hole and wait for all this to blow over. But are you doing the right thing by hiding away? I for one say no. I personally feel you should and must deal with these negative things that knock you off balance as soon as possible. Taking this positive attitude accomplishes several things.
  1. First is that you can deal with it and remove as much of the pain as possible so you can regain a clear mind.
  2. There will usually be a take away or learning experience from this negative situation.
  3. Dealing with tough decisions or setbacks can build mental toughness that can help us in the future.
  4. It can teach us to only worry about things that we have control over.
I like to put the emphasis on not worrying about things we have no control over. Lets imagine that you are on a connecting flight and the first flight is late which causes you to miss the next flight. This can be a very upsetting experience as many of you know. I suggest you stop and think about it this way. You had no control over this situation you are in. What you do have is control over are your emotions and how you will deal with the situation. So do you sit and grumble or do you start to plan what you will do with this extra time you now have on your hands. Yes. New found time that you can use to prepare for that next meeting. Time to sit quietly and read a book. You may possibly meet a wonderful person with whom you have an engaging conversation. I like to simplify things and suggest you consider it this way. When you booked the flight you knew the risk of having a tight connection. So when it happens, don't act as if you have been blindsided.
I ask what comes to mind when you hear the term unflappable. Do you think of mental toughness. Self control. Come to think about it, we tend to admire people for having this ability. This ability is easier to come by than we think. It all starts with having a positive attitude. People with positive attitudes don't always have their heads in the clouds. They possess a can do attitude. They have an ability to embrace a change of plan. Positive thinkers can some times lift the mood in a room. Do you think that motivational speakers have a positive attitude. You bet. That's why we pay to see them. We want to be motivated. They inspire us.
Life does not always go according to plan. I suggest to you, life would be terribly boring if this was the case. But we have to have a plan. Having the ability to make the adjustments to your plan with the right mindset is what will set you apart from the crowd. Unflappable. A mouth full of syllables that spells confidence. To get to this mental space we must first have a positive attitude.

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Monday, May 9, 2011

Self Control and Discipline - The Backbone of Success

Success can only be found by design.
This is because you first have to determine what success is to you. You see success has a different measure for everyone. The biggest attribute that successful people have aside from the burning desire to succeed is self control and discipline. When we possess self control and discipline the bumps in the road are just that. Bumps. It's about the end result. I bet your saying, wait a minute Paul. Isn't life about the journey? Your right, it is. I put it back in your lap and state that if we do not have goals and aspirations that we are working toward we are just spectators in life. Do you want to succeed at life or watch other people succeed? What kind of life journey is sitting on the coach with the remote control and a bowl of popcorn? I have a fun saying I like to use in coaching sessions to lighten things up. "You have to go through it to get there."
Keep your eyes on the prize.
I have a family member who is a huge success in the sales field. He said to me a number of years ago. "I just focus on being on the Leader Board. If I am on the Leader Board the money looks after itself." Last year he was number two in the country in new business production. You have to have self control and discipline to obtain these heights. Self control,discipline, determination and persistence will abound when you have a clear understanding of what you are after.
Success is often equated to money.
I believe that money comes as a result of being successful at something. So do we focus on the money or the achievement that will bring us money. The answer is simple. Do what you do well and financial success will find it's way to you.
Change have to things into choose to things.
I keep coming back to my article "Achieve Success By Turning Daily Have To Things Into Choose To Things". Self Discipline and Control hang out with the "Have To" things. Changing them into the "Choose To" things just speeds up the process. How simple is that?
Enjoy the journey.
The journey is so much more enjoyable when we know what we are doing is taking us closer to the prize. Once we have the prize we need to keep it fertilized and enjoy the happiness it brings us. More importantly we should find new affirmations and goals that inspire us to climb to new heights.
Review your goals daily.
When we review our goals religiously it affirms we are on the right track. It reminds us of our commitment to achieving success. It helps us break down into smaller tasks what needs to be accomplished.
Add a competitive piece to your life.
To be the best you can be means you have to practice. We practice to get better. Practice involves self control and discipline. OK!!! Now I get it!!! It's not essential that we be better than someone else. It important we are better today than we were yesterday. Find a way to measure your progress toward success. Winning is associated with a competition. I rest my case.

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Thursday, May 5, 2011

Success Tips To Help You Get Past Limiting Beliefs

Limiting beliefs are one of the biggest stumbling blocks on the road to success. How can we ever achieve something when we believe down inside we can not achieve it? I believe these limiting beliefs are caused by previous failures or conditioned beliefs that we obtained from our parents. What ever happened to those days when we were children exploring every nook and cranny of the house. We have heard the word No, for years and years. No, don't do that. No, don't open that. Don't eat that. No is not a nurturing word. No is black and white. What do you suppose happens when a nurturing parent finds alternatives to No and adds to the scene a new stimulus? We obtain a possibilities mind set. Oh, what's this? Limiting beliefs eventually lead us toward procrastination. The number one enemy to achieving success. So how do we get past these limiting beliefs that hold us back from obtaining success.
  1. With out question being conscious of our thoughts is the first step. When we say in our minds I can't do that. We have to ask ourselves. Why do I feel this way? There has to be some pain involved in this thought. What is the pain. What is the emotion that makes you say no. Don't. You will fail. Bring the opposite to mind. Yes I can do that.
  2. We need to expand our comfort zone. This can be accomplished by trying to do new things you would otherwise never do. Take the attitude of, you know what? I am going to do this today. Break some new ground.
  3. Read books about limiting beliefs and how to get past them. There are many great books that talk about this in detail. Jack Canfield's " The Success Principals". Dr. Susan Jeffers " Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway". Eddie Lemoine's " Bring About What You Think About" If you are conscious of it, you can change those thoughts of limiting belief to thoughts of success.
  4. Find a mentor if you do not already have one. Many of the worlds successful people just didn't wake up one day successful. They worked at it like you are now. You would be amazed how easy it is to ask your mentor for a few minutes of their time so you can improve yourself. The mentor will feel great because you have valued their opinion enough to ask for some guidance. They also are likely impressed that you are actively trying to improve yourself.
  5. Enroll is a course that will increase your skills in the area you want to succeed. Education is a powerful tool. It will give you the confidence knowing you have prepared yourself for success. Reinforcement that others have done this before you is all inspiring.
  6. Get motivated. There is no better medicine that getting inspired. Look for motivational speakers who may be coming to your area and purchase the ticket right now. Remove any chance of changing your mind later. Many of these motivational speakers are also business and life coaches.
Most importantly, understanding we can obtain our dreams and goals if our mind is in the right place. Things that have happened to us in the past condition us to become risk averse. Often we do not realize that we may have done much of what is required to succeed. We were just missing one piece of the puzzle. Just think of that little train that could. " I think I can. I think I can. I know I can".

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

How Perseverance Will Help You Succeed

Perseverance is a powerful word. It eclipses similar words like determined, persistence, want, chase and pursue. When I envision perseverance. I think of never giving up, no matter what. We climb over and go around obstacles larger than can be imagined. We endure pain and rejection. We endure hardship and loss. We feel the pain and do it anyway. We do this to succeed with our goal. Perseverance lives in our heart and soul. It is much more than give it the "Good Old College Try". Look at it this way. Do you like to win or do you hate to lose? Every one likes to win. So do you put yourself in the place where everyone else plays. Perseverance lives in the hate to lose category.
How many times in life have you heard someone say "I would give anything to be able to do that". Well actually many would not give anything. Anything is practicing your violin 8 hours a day for years and years to even have a chance at becoming a concert violinist. Anything is putting off years of taking vacations until your business is on solid ground. Anything is practice and pursue until you achieve excellence.
Yes, there are times in life when we need to step away and reconsider, as the odds are stacked against you. It becomes obvious you need to take a different course of action. For example, you may be determined to own your own business, but it may be a different one than you had set out to obtain. You will however, persevere to own your own business. So what sets those with perseverance apart from those who do not have perseverance. First of all you can not be a spectator and deal with life as it comes at you. You must be a wanting, willing and deserving participant. Success comes to those who focus and work on their goals. Many goals take extraordinary measures to achieve success.
Perseverance is an important habit of the lives of most successful people. Here they are, simplified.
  • Perseverance is pursuing your dreams until they become reality.
  • Perseverance is what gets you past the set backs to your success.
  • Perseverance is knowing what you want and nothing will stop you from obtaining it.
  • Perseverance shows your commitment to finish a project.
A deep level of commitment to yourself and to your goals will gain you respect from your peers. People with perseverance are often assigned the tough tasks because they will see the job through. There is no greater respect and honor in the business world than to be asked to lead and complete a project that others would not consider attempting. Those with perseverance also reap the greatest rewards, financial or otherwise because they earned them. They achieve where others fail to even attempt. Perseverance is the Road Less Traveled.

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