Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Grow Through Change

It's December and you are likely taking stock of what lies ahead from the coming year. You are reflecting on things you want and things about yourself you want to change. To effectively achieve results you will need to embrace change. Growing through change has many positive effects on our lives. It is often the challenge many face as success is just outside our comfort zones. You may ask how does this relate to setting goals and making resolutions for the coming year?
We all know that we can't achieve success by doing things the same way we have for years. We also know that changing our habits and tendencies are extremely difficult yet we all dream of changing ourselves for the better. New Years resolutions are often related to stopping our habits we don't like in our lives. Things like weight, less drinking and smoking come to mind. There in lies the challenge. Stop is a negative. It's my belief we find success in seeking the positive. Focus on the benefit is my motto. Start to live like you are already there.
I ask why do you want to lose weight? You should believe you will be more attractive and healthier. Does it not make sense to seek being more attractive and healthier adverse to losing weight? Exactly. I have always liked the quote. "Success lies just outside your comfort zone". From what I have researched many lay claim or use this quote as their own. Irregardless of the quote, lets look at is this way.
Emotions and realities that reside in your comfort zone include.

  • Where most of humanity resides.
  • Depression.
  • Mediocre.
  • Same old same old.
  • Just getting by.
  • Poor health.
  • Little control over your life.

What is just outside your comfort zone includes.

  • Self confidence.
  • Resilience.
  • Good Health.
  • Financial Success.
  • Being sought after.
  • Living Your Dream.
  • Happiness.

Entrepreneurs and investors understand the term "risk reward" better than most. They know if I stretch and do this I will receive this. I am a huge believer in we are better to have tried and failed than not tried at all. We do after all learn so more from our failures than our successes. There in lies the difference between smart and wisdom.
The key is connecting the emotion with the desire and clearly knowing how the impending success will improve your life. The time you spend obtaining clarity is time well spent. You need to know what your dream is before you can start to live it. Embracing change takes the stress out of leaving your comfort zone. A dream is just a dream until you act on it.

Monday, December 2, 2013

The Badge Of Courage

The Badge Of Courage. What a fitting term. Mr Fisher was indeed referring to City leaders who dared not to be political and to be weird. I happen to live in the being unique camp but the two terms are closely related in my opinion. So how does this relate to business and change management? Closer than you think.
My affiliation with a Change Management company leads me to believe the last thing we want to project to our clients is they could fail. We must all agree there is risk in change but in most instances it's better than not changing. Keeping things as they are is really going backwards. It may be as simple as changing processes within an organization to a complete overhaul of how the company or organization is managed and delivers its services or products. Ether way this takes courage. Mr. Fisher also focused on collaboration of organizations putting the best talent from each company on a team that can add value to each organization taking each company to a higher level. Everyone wins.
I see this in the call centre business here in Canada where a sharing of successes and open discussions of the future takes the industry to a higher level resulting in providing greater service for our customers. Everyone wins. To my American readers I should point out that many of the members of the Canadian Association are in fact American companies. Why do the American Corporations join. It's because we share our successes and not hide it from our competitors. Business in general south of the border is a much more combative stunting growth as the race is to hold a competitive edge leaving the others to play catch up. That being said there are industries such as the cellular and automotive business where competition is fierce and this privacy is fully understandable.
Lets think of this possibility. What could be accomplished if non competitive companies from different business sectors shared their process and talents. This is not a novel idea as this already takes place as owners of small business create their own board of directors through business clubs. They learn from each other. The key ingredient here is they all accept and welcome change.
If you or your company is stuck, it's time you venture out and take a look around. What can you change to make your company more efficient. What can you change to be more attractive to your current and prospective customers. Your customers want you to be fresh and creative. More importantly your staff wants to be challenged to help improve both themselves and the company. Employees do not want to be drones. They want to be valued for what they bring to the company. They want to be part of a successful team. Make change your trusted friend and watch all things around you soar, including yourself.

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Are You Spread Too Thin?

Three months have passed since I have written an article. It was not because I did not want to. The truth is I was just too darn busy and over committed. How did this happen? It's easy when we are not careful.
Personally for me it was like the perfect storm of time gobblers. I have aging parents both in their 90's who need my time. I have a very demanding day job that requires immediate action reacting to requests. I am a devoted Rotarian active at both the club level and on the District Leadership Team. I was also traveling on business for two weeks. On top of that I had four speaking engagements over that period requiring allot of preparation. Now you can easily see why I was over committed. Temporary yes, but it happened none the less.
Are you ever awakened at four in the morning thinking I have to get these things done? People are depending on me. If so it's time to shed some commitments and duties. I believe people get burned out from over commitment which causes stress. Two things happen when we are in this stressed state. We make bad decisions and more often than not make no decision at all.
The truth of the matter is very little gets accomplished when we are over committed. The old adage of give it to a busy person and they will get it done does not always hold true if they are over committed. So why do we allow ourselves to get in this space? Uncontrollable things will happen that require our time. Things like family issues that we can't say no to. These things will always appear in our lives. The real culprit is not having the ability to say no for a request of our time and expertise."
Here is what I do when my time gets maxed out.

  1. I make an appointment with myself to review my commitments with the object that I am going to drop some commitments. Note, you will need some quiet time for this. No distractions.
  2. I write down all my commitments. All of them!
  3. I then prioritize my commitments into "have to" and "choose to."
  4. I then schedule walking time. This helps clear my head. Exercise helps reduce stress.
  5. I eliminate the least important of my commitments.
  6. I repeat if necessary.

I consider myself a time management pro and I got caught. We all get caught up in things we are passionate about and say yes. My recommendation is the next time your asked to help or commit either say no or tell them you will let them know tomorrow after you check your schedule. You be glad you did.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

What's Your Personal Purpose

The question of purpose came up for me several times last week. I attended a motivational speakers evening where there were six speakers who had 10 minutes to express a lesson they learned that impacted who they are today. Two of the speakers and the host for the evening made reference to what's your purpose. The topic of purpose also came up in a business meeting just yesterday. This all gave cause for me to review my written personal purpose that I will revel later in this article.
If money is on top of your goal list that's something you may wish to reflect upon. The question I ask what's the money for? Is it life style? Taking your family to Disney World? Buying a boat or an RV often appears on a list of goals. These are all things we want to have. Things we can do with our families. I believe that money provides you the choices to do what you want and who you spend that time with in your non working time. That's the real goal as I see it. Going through this exercise determines the nuts and the bolts of what you want. It will bring you closer to finding your purpose.
The bigger question remains why you want these goals and what is your purpose in life. My take on personal purpose is what moves you to be who you are and how do you want the world to look at you. Yes, in many cases we do it because it makes us feel good. I send it back again. Why does it make us feel good. My first go around on writing a personal purpose was five years ago after reading Jack Canfield's " The Success Principals". Jack was insistent that you will not lead a truly happy and successful life until you discovered your purpose. So I began the process. I did some research on how to begin and how it should be worded so it spoke to who I am. It was not until a year later that I got it fine tuned to this.
"My Personal Purpose is to be a role model of giving, love, wisdom, credibility, learning, happiness and joy that will inspire my family, friends, customers and associates."
That's it. It seems simple but it took allot of time to get the words just right that speaks to who I believe I am. We all want love and respect. Love and respect can come from a variety of areas and that is why I chose to broaden my personal purpose to include family and my business life. I believe your Personal Purpose should speak to who you are 24 hours a day. Enjoy the journey of writing your personal purpose. You will be glad you did.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Uncomfortable Topics - How to Start a Difficult Conversation

The best leaders don't bring up the fact they are the leader. Successful companies and organizations have many leaders within their walls. The Captain is not always the top scorer or production leader. The best leaders help their team achieve great heights both as individuals and collectively. All this without having to mention their authority. How you ask? It's because it is never about them. Great leaders create trust. Where there is trust there is healthy conversation about performance and outcomes without fear of being judged by those you report to.
The business world is full of buzz words like "Buy In" " Team Effort" "Peak Performance" and yes, " Leadership". The days of " The beatings will continue until moral increases" are long past. Within the walls of business there exists staff who do not live up to their commitments and are not held accountable. I believe one reason is the lack of leadership skills. The inability to have a difficult conversation with a direct report can result in a host of problems within an organization. So whats the trick here? How do you get started with that difficult conversation that will lead to a healthy conclusion and a healthy working relationship.
I suggest you consider the following at the outset of a difficult conversation.

  1. Ask for a meeting with the individual in person quietly and not in front of other staff members.
  2. Make every effort not to have the conversation across your desk. Configure your office or space that creates a conversation and not a you work for me feeling.
  3. Spend time considering how you will open the conversation with out challenging the employee creating a defensive atmosphere.
  4. If the employee missed a deadline there is a usually a valid reason in their mind. The employee may have had too much on their plate but were unable say no "I don't have time" or This will impact the out come of another project I am working on. In short find the best way to have them explain why. This will allow the two of you to find a common solution.
  5. Ask open ended questions during the conversation avoiding questions that can be answered in yes or no.

There can be hundreds of reasons why staff members under perform, miss deadlines or behave badly. There is no cookie cutter solution as each situation will have it's own set of circumstances. The key is to create a feeling of trust from both the leader and the staff member. Where there is trust there will be honest conversations and both parties have a willingness to help each other reach their common and personal objectives.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Are You Dialed In

We have all heard the sayings, " In the Zone ", On top of it", "Plugged In" and "I'm focused" but how long have you been able to hold on to those thoughts. This is something I have struggled with most of my life being an ADD. The high energy and emotions of ADD leave most ADD's in their late teens but some of the traits or symptoms of ADD get to hang around for most of our lives. Being easily bored is also a trait that's tough to shake. ADD's need to be stimulated. My ADD hang over became perfectly clear last fall while I was attending an organizations leadership weekend. A friend reached over and whispered in my ear " Your a sprinter aren't you?" He asked me this following my stating I was unable to fulfill a commitment and I had to step down as chair of a committee. That statement "Your a sprinter aren't you" has been rattling around in my mind ever since.
We can all be dialed in but how long can you stay in the zone? Truly successful people manage to stay on target and do not lose sight of their target. This I believe is a true measure of their commitment to a project or goal. My thought is many of us set ourselves up to fail because the objective or the time frame is too short. We simply lose interest or burn ourselves out before we get the job completed. I think every one suffers from this and not just ADD's.
Here is what I have learned works for me and I expect these reminders can work for you as well.

  1. Just slow down.
  2. Determine how bad you want it and in some cases what do others expect from you?
  3. Is the time frame realistic? Can you accomplish what needs to be accomplished in the alloted time?
  4. Where does the goal fit into you list of priorities? In other words will you have to give something else up to achieve this.
  5. Is this a "have to" or "a want to" objective or goal?
  6. Do you have an emotional attachment. Is this a burning desire. Emotional attachment helps but can it can cloud your judgement.
  7. If the commitment or goal involves others be sure to share concerns with the others involved. Deadlines can be a mixed blessing.
  8. Don't say yes to a commitment before you think it through?

My friend who suggested I was a sprinter was correct. My high energy and commitment was connected to a worthy cause. I wanted it. It felt right. I said yes for all the right reasons. The conflict was all the other things going on in my life that were important too. In short being dialed in is a pretty big space. The goal and the dream needs to be very clear. Disappointing ourselves is one thing. Disappointing others can be disastrous. The zone is a space that exists between the start and the finish line. Only you can determine the speed at which you travel that distance.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Don't Beat Yourself Up

Are you beating yourself up over a bad decision compounded by an unsatisfactory outcome? It's been a few weeks however the pain remains long past when you should have let it go. Why can't you let go? Are you afraid to let go? Does any one really care other than yourself? Have you ever had a conversation with yourself about what I have just asked?
I know that last sentence can sting but it is a valid question. I expect you are more worried about the event gone wrong than others. Now if you have let others down or broken a commitment then that is a whole other issue. No matter the issue you need to deal with it and move on.
Here are some easy steps to help you let go.

  • Did the event impact any one else? If so go see them and talk it through. I expect they may have seen the event differently than you. Start the conversation with, I am feeling uncomfortable about a recent issue and I am looking for your view on the events. Can you help me out? The fact you have approached them asking for assistance will help defuse any hard feelings if there are any. Remember you have asked for help and clarification.

  • Get to work on something that will put your mind somewhere else. Dwelling on the negative will just add salt to the wound. The old adage"keep busy" helps. Time does not heal all wounds but is does for most the bumps and scrapes we have encountered in our lives.

  • What did you learn from the experience that will make you tougher and mentally stronger. This is key. Write it down so it will be more lasting. It's not that you will never go down that road again. If you do, you would do it differently next time. Lessons are powerful tools.

  • What can you do to turn this negative into a positive. Once you figure that out, do it as soon as possible. Others who were impacted by your error as well as yourself will be able to move on sooner.

Every one makes mistakes. The most successful people on the earth all tell us they made many mistakes on the road to success. You can bet they did not spend allot of time beating themselves up or dwelling on a mistake. They know the best thing is to get over it and move on. Yesterday is History. History is filled with lessons learned. Today is filled with an abundance of opportunity. Go pursue your dreams. Success is closer than you think.

Saturday, July 27, 2013

Dealing With Adversity

Adversity simply put is a road block or detour. It can also be seen as a way to test that you are on the right track. Adversity also has a way of sapping your energy and often leads to your giving up. Why does life seem such a struggle? Isn't life meant to be easier than this?
I believe that wisdom comes from two areas. Having witnessed the experience and having lived the experience. I expect there are those who feel that wisdom is gained from reading and study. I can accept that to some extent however the emotional part does not exist in reading or study. Whats the adversity in that? Their in lies the benefit. The experiences that knock the starch out of you, we remember the most. These events often leave you feeling you have failed or you are faced with making the wrong decision. I believe it's the lessons that come from adversity that make you mentally stronger leading you to your eventual success.
I expect it's said the best way to avoid adversity is to just keep cruising and never stretch ourselves. What's the point of that? Sounds like a recipe for a life without purpose or meaning. It's a proven fact that people who live life with a purpose and stretch themselves live a longer and happier life.
There is a good reason you should push yourselves to be better than you were last year, last week or yesterday. It's for your health and your self-esteem. It's about making the world a better place because of our actions. Meaningful change in yourself impacts others such as your families and co-workers.
These reasons are why you should set out knowing there will be resistance to your plans and actions. The resistance often comes from those who fear change. It's uncomfortable for them. Why should you allow them to set the agenda. It's your life. I recommend you share your dreams and aspirations with your loved ones and business associates. If they do not know why you are doing what you do they will question your motives. The sharing of your intentions is a way of removing some of the resistance before you set out to make changes.
Adversity is your close and honest friend. That's what good friends do. Strong friendships are not the easy ones. They are strong because of a bond knowing that you will be there for each other when things get tough. Your embracing adversity says that your ready to take yourself to the next level. Success is found in those who started out knowing there will be setbacks and adversity. Successful people also know adversity and resistance makes them stronger. Join the success team and fly past those afraid to take the road less traveled.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Does Your Positive Attitude Run On Automatic?

Recently while attending a Rotary District Leadership weekend, I found myself in a room full of people with high energy and positive attitudes. People who want to effect change and make the world a better place both at home and in countries in need. It's one of the many reasons I belong to Rotary. My article this week is not about Rotary but it's the people of Rotary who planted the seed for this weeks positive attitude article.
I find personally that I focus on the positive result and not the act of being positive. Spend the energy on the result. The only way to obtain the positive result is with a positive attitude. This means that you are already in the positive attitude mindset. Say good-bye to that voice in the back of your mind saying, " I have to be positive, I have to be Positive". Do you see what I mean by this? One of the keys to getting to this space is to be cognitive of your thoughts. If your thoughts are positive outcome based, it's about the outcome.
I often refer to myself as the opportunity salesman. Do you suppose you can be the best you can be with a limp attitude? I don't think so. Do you want to go through life without becoming better than you are today? I would hope not. The human race is evolving. Do you suppose that evolution is taking place because of the doubters and negative minded types. I don't think so. The can do positive minded individuals are leading the charge. To use an analogy. Many of us in North America are disgruntled with politics and politicians. So what happens. We vote leaders and governments out. All the energy is spent combating the other political party. I ask you. What do suppose would happen if all were pulling in the same direction? I expect the social and business agendas would be met. That's why I don't watch the news. It's counter productive. I get my news from the internet. My reading includes business news and good new stories. There is no room for negativity in my mind. Yes I would agree that we can not go through life with blinders on however I prefer to spend time in the space that I have some control over.
Here are some simple tips that will certainly get your head in a positive state of mind.

  1. Start a gratitude journal and write in it every morning. You will discover you have much to be thankful for.
  2. Review your goals. To do lists are good however they are activity based and not big picture. I caution you not get your to do list and goals mixed up. You may find that if your trying to change a habit that is related to a goal you will need to put this on your to do list until it becomes automatic.
  3. Look for a couple of inspirational web sites and save them on your favorites list. Read a few of these each morning.
  4. At the end of each business day write down what you will do first thing in the morning. Open your email second as that creates reacting to external forces. Yes you will have to deal with these emails but you should deal with them on your terms.
  5. Look for positive minded new friends whether they are social or business.

It is my belief the can do people are those who have their positive attitude in automatic. All their energy is focused on the end result. The bonus is, that it's one heck of allot more fun to do than grinding through things you deem a pain in the butt. How are you going to start your day tomorrow? I know how I am going to start mine.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

You Don't Have To Be Large Corporation To Outsource Your Customer Service

Companies spend thousands upon thousands of dollars trying to attract customers to their business. Radio, TV, Newspapers and of course the internet are the most common form of attracting customers. You build expectation of grandeur only to be greeted by a machine when the prospective customer calls your business. The most frequent greeting is "We appreciate your call. In order for us to serve you better please listen to the following options" Then we expect this potential customer to take another minute or two to listen to all the options.
Well guess what. 80 % of these first time callers to your business hang up. I find it bazaar that the most important part of that being a conversation with the customer is being discouraged. Automated phone attendants are disrespectful of peoples time. It adds a layer between you and your customer. This is where marketing and sales don't work as a team. I expect the decision to go with an automated attendant is left with accounting folks. Well guess what. The accounting department does not want the sales team in their department. The sales department should feel the same way about accountants being in their department. Humans talking with customers is a cost of sales and not an administration expense.
In short, successful companies understand the importance of human contact with their customers. These companies understand if you wanted to communicate with a machine the potential customer would email their business. That seems understandable. They also understand that when a customer phones their business they expect a human to answer the phone. Hello!
You don't have to be a big corporation to make this happen. It's rather simple actually. You out source your phones to a contact centre. Any contact centre worth their salt has the technology to answer the phone as if they are sitting inside your front door. It's a shared service that you only pay for when the call center works on you behalf. This of course after a modest base monthly fee that includes customer care services. It's all scalable. No calls get missed. Every opportunity is captured.
So how do you do the math to see if a contact center is a solution for you?
  • Calculate how much it costs to obtain a new customer. This is easily calculated by the number of new clients you obtained last year divided into the total cost to capture new revenue. Advertising, Sales Staff. Sales Staff Expenses.
  • Calculate how many prospects it takes to make a sale. This will bring you the cost per contact.
  • Contact your phone company and ask for the total number of inbound phone calls in a particular month. Also ask them the most important question. How many abandoned calls with in 10 seconds of the auto attendant answering the call. Remember that 80 % hang up and move on when greeted by voice mail or an automated attendant.
  • Take the closing ratio ( prospect converted to customer) and divide that into the number of abandoned calls. This should give you a feel for the lost opportunities.
I expect you find that the cost of the contact centre will be covered by new business generated. Add to the mix the increased customer experience of your existing customer base and watch the sales grow. Do the math. Include your contact centre as the front end of the sales team. Watch your customer satisfaction and sales numbers soar.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7714354

Friday, April 5, 2013

Add Gratitude To Your Positive Attitude

Many of us live in a world of abundance and don't know it. There is a tendency by most to focus on what you don't have adverse to what you do have. When one really considers it, they would say that on general, their life is pretty good. I am amazed why so many people focus on what they don't have when there is so much they should be thankful for.
This is where the positive attitude bashers just don't get it. The life is great crowd are outpacing them all the way to success. I believe that success is directly tied to your wants and desires. This drives you to achieve your goals.
I believe Gratitude is the missing link in looking for more in your life. You are not an ocean unto yourself. You can not accomplish great heights all alone. You need others to help you get there. In most instances hundreds of people touched your life and helped you obtain what you now have. I suggest that you do not get it all yourself. Personal heights are achieved through collaboration, leveraging partnerships, motivated employees and relationships. You are likely the king spoke in the wheel of your success. I recommend you be grateful of those people who help complete the circle of the wheel.
I am personally 10 days through the book "The Magic" by Ronda Byrne. You'll likely remember her as the Author of best selling book "The Secret". The Secret was all about the power of attraction. In short, put out your desires to the universe and you will receive what you ask for. I feel The Secret came up very short on the fact that it missed telling you that you also have to take action. I am certain that many readers came away feeling disappointed not having found results. The Magic on the other hand is a step by step 28 day work book on understanding and practicing gratitude and how it relates to the power of attraction. I hope that you see the connection to 28 days as it is commonly know that it takes 28 days to create a new habit. I should also state that I am in gratitude for my amazing friend Bruce who suggested I read the book.
The Magic opened my eyes to the fact that I was only scratching the surface regarding gratitude. This is where it gets personal for me. I've been writing a gratitude journal now for several years. It's my little daily ritual I do at the beginning of every day. Each morning I write all the things I am grateful for including people who have enriched my life, material things I have and the blessing of being able to help others. This exercise helps me focus on the 95% of my life that is great and diminishes the 5% of life that bothers me. I can't wait until I finish the book in 18 more days to feel the full results.
It is my firm belief by adding gratitude to your positive attitude that you will excel at all you do and live a happier and healthy life. Add gratitude to your power of attraction and good things will come to you at warp speed. Successful people are attracted to people who have a positive can do attitude. That speeds up the process. In my world, a positive attitude enriched with gratitude is a hard asset. Start your journal today. Watch and feel your worries vanish. Take special notice of all the great new things that come to you and remember to express your gratitude.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

The Power Of Delayed Gratification

We are living in a microwave society. It has become an instant world. Thanks to the power of advertising, we have been told time and time again. We can have it now. When we look at this from a success standpoint, the skies start to get cloudy. The real question becomes how long do you have to wait until you get the reward for your efforts and desires. The money managers of the world will tell you that your better to be earning interest than paying interest. You know that they are right. But why can't you wait?
I just love the Mark Twain quotation "People are spending money they have not earned yet to impress people they don't like". Upon reflection you will discover there is not allot depth to instant gratification. Don't think for one minute that I am a master of this theory. I struggle with this like many of you. At my age the need to impress others has diminished. Yes, we all have an ego to fuel however I suggest to you there are many ways to quench that thirst.
Studies have shown that people who are able to delay gratification have higher intelligence. This makes sense as people with higher intelligence are often better educated. These people understand the importance of the passage of time. Yes, this is a tough theory to digest for the living life in the moment crowd. Can we consider a university education as a form of delayed gratification? I guess we could say that as they are delaying earning money now so they can later earn more money in a career that they want. One glaring example of instant gratification is the high turnover of jobs. Intelligent people are switching companies to earn more money at the drop of the hat. This activity often results with less than the expected out come.
As a person who has struggled with delayed gratification for much of my life I have learned the following tips to better practice this important principle of success.

  • Set a target or goal you must first obtain before you purchase a vacation or new vehicle.
  • Study the landscape of opportunity in your current company of employment before you jump ship. There is a reward for patience especially if you are a consistent performer.
  • Create a Vision Board that not only has material things you want on it, but also copies of credit card statements that show a zero balance.
  • Delay making decisions until you have thoroughly thought them through.
  • Be cognitive of the consequences from making snap decisions that have lasting effects.

I believe that the longer you can delay the gratification the bigger the reward. This does not mean that you have to live life with a seat belt on. The best outcomes most always follow careful consideration. Success is often dependent on your tolerance for delayed gratification.

Saturday, March 2, 2013

There Is No Fast Train To Success

If you're looking for the fast train to success it does not exist. You see the fast train makes fewer stops. It's during the stops that we gain knowledge and experience. We get to reflect and to measure our progress. I believe if your in the hurry up and get there mind set there will be more bumps in the road. Yes it can be said the bumps are lessons we need to learn however if they could have been avoided, it means you were better prepared. I also believe there is allot to be said for enjoying the journey. The most important thing is for you to determine what success means to you. Once you know that, you can chart your course.
What do you picture in your mind when you think of success? Does it make you smile and feel all warm inside. If it does you are very fortunate. Much of today's society is wrapped up in want's adverse to goals and aspirations. A dream will always be a dream until you act on it. "The best dreams you can have are with your eyes wide open". Inspiring words from one of the worlds best business authors, Harvey MacKay.
The train always has to work harder going up hill. Hard work does not have to be filled with struggle and disappointment. I suggest you find a way to make it smart work that will increase the fun factor. Many success seekers get caught up in the planning process and their train never leaves the station. They live in fear of what happens when the train starts rolling down the tracks in the wrong direction. If you have never jumped off a train before it's exhilarating. The slow train is upon reflection easier to stop or to switch rail lines.
So why the train analogy? I like analogy's because they create pictures in your mind that cement the thought and help get a point across. You see I was more than a passenger on a fast train once. I was driving that fast train years ago. I could not wait to get to what I deemed to be success. I was driving at full speed to a financial number that I did not achieve. I came up just short before the train left the tracks. The best advice I can give you in your pursuit of success is do it with a purpose. The error in my judgement was if I had the money I could do what I wanted. The irony was I did not know what I wanted. My goal was singular. It was all about the money. It was not until later in life that I discovered what I really wanted. When I stopped chasing money, the money found its way to me. Wisdom does not travel on the fast train. That's why they say that wisdom is earned.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Want To Stand Out? Six Tips On Being Unique

No matter what you do in your professional life it's difficult to stand out in the crowd. If you're looking to attract business you can't walk, talk and smell like the rest. If you do then it becomes a lottery. Success can be found by taking your own path. Lasting success is earned over the a longer period of time. People will come to you through referrals because of the solid work you do, or the service that you provide. You become trusted. That in itself is unique.
The flood of people posting to social media sites to increase rankings which leads to more hits on their web sites is important. In my opinion the world of reposting to gain clic's or suggest that your knowledgeable and want to share your knowledge is just fluff, unless the repost is thought provoking or has relative information. Is it important to your personal brand to be in social media? You bet. Is it important that you drive more traffic to your web site? Of course it is. Once they come to you, what's your value proposition. You better know why you are different and that should be transparent to your potential customers.
I believe that success comes with finding a niche. Niche means a smaller or a narrow market. It's easier to stand out where there is less competition. Less competition then leaves room to own a larger market share and bigger profit margins. Profit is not is not dirty word. I support this by my belief in providing more in value than the customer paid you for it. The last time I looked you pay your bills from gross profit. Not from gross sales. Going to were the masses go is not unique.
Here are my six tips to finding success by being unique.

  1. Find a niche market that defines who you are.
  2. Post original material to social media.
  3. Provide more in value than you charged for the product or service.
  4. Say "Thank You,We appreciate your business" as often as possible. Say it. Just don't post it. I include this in almost every email I write and most certainly at the end of every phone call.
  5. Create your own conversation questions you use every time you meet someone new. Show that you really care. Make sure you listen. Opportunities come as a result of asking a question.
  6. Make decisions based on the long term. The juicy stuff comes from decisions made after careful consideration.
  7. Bonus Tip. Only promote others who are exceptional and unique. This helps elevate you to their level.

Success is rarely easy. You need to be deliberate in your approach. People are naturally attracted to successful and unique people. Unique people do not have to promote themselves as much as all those folks running with the herd. Those running with the herd are frying up more energy and capital for smaller profits. Likes and shares don't pay the bills. It's a form of advertising if you manage it properly. Just remember, at the end of the day a good business product or service needs to stand on its own. Live by this standard and success will find its way to you.