Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Stop Losing The Arguments You Have With Yourself

We all have it. That voice. The one that starts yakking at us the minute we consider leaving our comfort zone. How many times have you heard success is just outside your comfort zone. You know it, but it's like sticking your big toe into cold water. I'm not going in there. It's freezing. You know it's good for you yet you will not venture in.
It's the fear of failure for certain. It's also the fear of limiting beliefs. You know these things are true yet you never leave the barn to stretch your legs. I believe you have to gain that positive attitude to get past the limiting beliefs and embrace the fact you might not get it right the first time.
To get past these fears you have to understand the whole world is not watching you. In fact very few if any people are watching you. Yes, get over it. So you have a couple of choices if your going to step up and make lasting change.

  1. Chart your new course without saying a word. It's just you steaming along. One sure fired way to succeed is to start living and talking like you are already there. I expect you will be saying to yourself. This feels good!

  2. The other method is to tell others what you are going to do. This part has more risk as you now will have to live up to your commitment. In a sense these people become your accountability partners.

I believe the most successful of the two is the second method as you really do have people watching you. Why not put the power of both to work for you. You start to live as if you have already achieved your goal and then add the accountability piece of the second option.
Successful people know that you will fail more than you succeed. That's what makes success even sweeter. I love this quote by Truman Capote. "Failure is the condiment that gives success it's flavour."
It's impossible to be a success without a positive attitude. There are several ways to help you gain this attitude.

  1. Find a mentor. Someone you can emulate.

  2. Hang out with positive mended people. Loose the doubter friends.

  3. Tame the negative chatter in the back of your mind. Have the courage to change the topic.

Greatness is in all of us. Are you worth it? If the answer is no get professional help. If it's yes. Accepting that it's within you is step one. Wrapping your mind around the benefits of embracing change is step two. Living your dream is limitless. Success starts with a positive attitude.

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