Friday, October 28, 2011

3 Tips for Sharing Your Positive Energy With Others

This week has been an extra special positive attitude week for me. Every where I went people were saying, "Paul you always have a positive attitude." So why has this come to be so obvious to those I meet. This past weekend I bumped into an old school friend I had not seen in possibly 20 years. He asked me how things were going. I told him that, "I am a very fortunate man and that good things always seem to come my way". He responded, "Paul I have known you for over 40 years and you have always had a positive attitude." So why do I have this attitude and why do I project this frame of mind? It starts with I truly believe I am fortunate.
I also believe that the last thing people want to hear is people whining about how life is just the pits. This is like traveling around without deodorant on. It smells. It repels people. Spreading doom and gloom is the worst possible way to bring attention to yourself. Misery loves company is just a bunch of bunk. Even your attempts at seeking pity will drive people away. Forget the cup is half full and the cup is half empty story. People want to deal with and hang out with positive minded winners. Keep in mind you can't fluff this. It has to come from your gut.
I feel these 3 tips will get you started toward sharing your positive energy with others.
  1. Speak to your victories and the success you are having. Feel good about telling people how much fun you are having growing your business or the success you are having at work. The key thing is not to make it sound like your bragging. A simple smile and saying " I love the way it is all coming together." Now that's quiet confidence.
  2. Be openly thankful of the opportunity you have to do what you are doing and the people you work with that make all this possible. I believe the collective carries so much more than it's all about me. Never under estimate the power of "we".
  3. Smile, smile, smile. Damn, I have goofy caps on my front teeth and I still love to smile. I have had these darn things for over 40 years and they are part of who I am. You have front teeth like those and your still smiling. Things must be really good. All kidding aside. I say this to make a point. Smiles are like laughter. They are infectious.
Make it a point of going to bed happy and content. Odds are you will wake up happy. Before you put your feet on the floor, tell yourself this is going to be an amazing day. Embrace the opportunities the day ahead will bring you. The world is a land of abundance and opportunity. A positive attitude is like a magnet. The energy it produces will bring good things toward you. I'm living proof.

Friday, October 21, 2011

The Importance of a Positive Environment in Achieving Success

We all know that we can not just turn on our success with a switch. It takes planning and hard work. One way to speed up the level of your success is to put yourself into an environment that will foster positive relationships and put our minds in the place that says we are already there. That can be easier for some than others. However, make no mistake. We all have access to a positive environment that will propel us upward.
Before you say there is nothing new to what you are saying, I will agree. The key is to do something about it. You will need to be conscious of where you physically want to put yourself today to increase the likely hood you will be at least one step closer to your success. Placing yourself in these places can be more cost effective that you think. Networking Clubs, Business Associations and organizations like Rotary International are good places to start. I have been a huge giver to my time and money to Rotary and I have received so more in return. As the old saying goes "you can't pick your family, but you can pick your friends".
The following steps will help you put to top of mind the importance of going through this exercise.
  • You need to visualize your success. You need to know what is looks like.
  • If you want to be recognized you need to been seen
  • You need to determine where it is best to be seen. The people you want to meet are part of this exercise.
  • Now that you have determined where you need to be, research when it is best to be there.
  • It's one thing to look the part but now you need to act the part. Put yourself out there.
  • Before you can receive you must first reach out. Remember you can not will this to happen. You must take action.
I ask that you stop and think that we are all products of our environment. Think of the experiment of the flea in the jar. We must first make sure the lid is on. We all watch as the flea jumps and jumps and keeps hitting the lid. After a while the flea no longer jumps. We then take off the lid but to our surprise the flea does not jump. Are you living in a jar similar to the flea? Are you uncomfortable with stepping out of your comfort zone and placing yourself in an environment of success? If this is the case, success will only be a dream for you. As cruel as it may seem, you may need to change your friends. This is really the true test to your level of commitment towards success. We are all products of our environment. Choosing the proper environment is just one of the important steps that will propel you in finding your success. Come on. Go for it.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Is There A Eureka Moment When Searching For Success?

So, when does the light come in our pursuit of success? I for one believe that eureka moments do occur. That flash when you say to yourself. Now I get it. But first you need to understand what it is your after. If you're flying down the highway at night without the headlights on your in big trouble. Life is like that to. There is no waiting around to get inspired. It's like paying for your kids to go to university. Many will just lumber along and not know what they want. Change the situation to they are paying for their education and they will figure it out pretty fast what it is they want to do with their life. If it's your dream your success rate is much higher than if it's mom and dad's dream transferred to you.
It was the Roman Philosopher Seneca that said" Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity" This is not what I would call the eureka moment but an important step. You should put yourself in that position to be ready. Take those steps in the direction to seize the moment when it occurs. I feel that success lives in the top few percent of the population. The difference is that success does not appear in getting the job or project 90 percent done. It appears when we get it completed. It's the last bit that's so hard to obtain, yet it's so close.
These following steps will help prepare you for seeing the eureka moment when it appears. And it will...
  • Knowing what you want is paramount. When you know what it is you are after, your mind is always on the hunt towards that end.
  • Turn over all the rocks is a favorite saying of mine. You never know what underneath.
  • Search for someone who as excelled in your field of passion. They will be happy to share their defining moment.
  • Write down some goals. Your success rate will take a huge jump.
  • Accept the advise of others with open arms and see how you can adapt their eureka moment to make it yours.
  • Most importantly believe their will be a sign. That flash when you go, Oh My God. There it is right before me.
We have all had the should of, could of, would of, times in our lives. Those are in the past. I ask you this. Would you jump at the same opportunity if it came along tomorrow? If not. File it away as it will be just back ground noise that will cloud your judgement. Know what you what. You are in the launch position. When that eureka moment comes you are ready for lift off.

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Monday, October 10, 2011

Positive Attitude Leads To Clear Thinking And Visible Results

Clearing ones mind of all the clutter is a task onto itself. It seems that we are faced with decisions in everything we do. When we are unhappy or stressed the decisions become even tougher as we fear we will make the wrong decision. I believe that we must shake off the fear of making the wrong decision. Most of the decisions we make in our daily lives are not life altering. In fact we spend much of our lives worrying about things that will never happen. I ask, how unproductive is that? Imagine what would happen to our lives if we shifted from all those thoughts of failure and self-doubt to thoughts of success and happiness. So lets break this down into three steps.
Obtain a Positive Attitude.
The world of limiting beliefs can be said in one word. Defeat. Obtaining a positive attitude will involve your being conscious of your thoughts. Concentrate on things that bring you happiness. You have to convince yourself that you have what it takes. Think about the joy of achieving your goal or project that you are working on. Start to use the language of success. Words like, achieve,accomplish,win and move forward to name a few. Your self-confidence will become more prevalent with a positive attitude. Take a hard look at what you are good at. I expect there is little self-doubt there. Now, take a look at what you are not so go at and transfer that self-confidence into that space.
Concentrate on Clear Thinking
You will need to push back negative thoughts when they appear. These negative thoughts will put your mind in a place of worrying about the worst outcome. Generally in life, what we thing about, comes about. If we are going to have a self-fulfilling prophecy it best be about success. You must look at everything you do as having a good outcome. Otherwise it's not worth doing. I will use this analogy to simplify the point. Lets say you are single and looking for a mate. Do you make a list of all the things you do not want in a person or a list of all the good this you want in a person? Exactly. You focus and look for the good qualities. I also suggest you take a tip from NLP and look to the upper left when you are thinking. This is where you should look when you are thinking about the future. This is the part of your brain that is stimulated when you are in the thinking process. Looking down and to the right produces negative thoughts. Don't believe me? Try and smile while looking down and to the right. Closer to a frown isn't it? Up and to the left will get you in the positive attitude zone.
Picture Visible Results
So now is the time to look at yourself having achieved your goal or intention. Picture the smile on your face with the sense of accomplishment. I bet your smiling now just reading this. I am smiling just writing it. It's infectious. I find what works for me is that I write down how I will feel once I have achieved the desired result. If you can get to this frame of mind you are already halfway there.
This is not all bunk. Yes there are some people who have this natural ability as they seem to always get it right. Most of us have to work at being positive. Yes, I used the term "us". The only way we can achieve this positive frame of mind is being conscious of our thoughts. If we are conscious of our thoughts we can control what we think. Once we have achieved the ability to fill our minds with positive images the results will be amazing.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Three Steps To Understanding And Achieving Prosperity

Many of the things we want in life are finite. Homes, cars and boats are all material things and are measurable. But it's not just material things that make our lives complete. What is it that gives us piece of mind? What is it that brings us happiness and joy?
Abundance and prosperity is really a state of mind because it comes as a collective feeling of emotional well being and material things. I believe abundance and prosperity to be personal and it can mean different things to each of us. In the most simple of terms there is no score card for abundance and prosperity. We just need to appreciate there is more than enough abundance and prosperity for all to enjoy.
So how do you obtain abundance and prosperity? Here are what I believe to be the three steps that will help you understand where you are and where you want to be.
  1. The first step is believing you already have abundance. I suggest you take stock of what you already have. Good health would be number one in my book. Family and good friends help us to stay grounded. Having a good home would rank up there too. If your health is fair you can always work towards a healthier life. You can seek out good friends. It's fine to want a nicer home. The exercise is to improve on what we already have. The world has more abundance than we could ever have. It is an endless supply. The very financially wealthy understand this. They could not get to where they are without a limitless mindset.
  2. The second step is to be grateful for all that you currently have. You have so much more than you think. Having gratitude and being thankful for what you already have is so important in appreciating and understanding prosperity. I am not a deeply religious person but I consider myself to be spiritual. I believe there is a greater being who will bring us what we ask for. The key is to be a partner in this exercise. Thinking and praying for it is not enough. It's a team effort.
  3. The third step is to make a list of things that will bring you joy that are both emotional and material. Plant these feelings and material things firmly in your mind. Think of them often and I suggest at least twice a day. Imagine you already have them. I have used this technique over the years to unbelievable success. The many riches I have in life both material and emotional have come to me in many ways. Some have come as a result of my direct efforts and are purely earned financially while other gifts of prosperity have come to me from others who have wanted to share what they have with me. In effect my thoughts attracted these gifts of abundance. Accept these visions manifested into reality with grace and gratitude no matter the origin.
Abundance and prosperity is what we all strive for in life. It will have a different meaning for every person on this planet. Appreciating that you already have abundance is a great place to start. This whole exercise will cost you nothing financially. Opening your mind to accepting an even more abundant life is really very simple. Prosperity will follow soon after you have that vision firmly planted in your mind.

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