Thursday, December 27, 2012

Are Things As Tough As You Perceive Them To Be?

One eyes can play tricks with your mind regarding what goes on outside your own world.  Visions of nice cars coupled with vacation advertising that whisk you off to far away exotic places all create a false sense of desire. Your credit card balance continually grows to an uncomfortable balance .  The polish may have fallen off the apple in the relationship with your partner.  It goes on and on.  It's easy to allow yourself to get caught up in the life is better on the other side of the street.  To much TV will do that to a person. 20% of the time in front of the television is watching commercials.  This is where the illusion that all is well with everyone else but me, sneaks into your life. You become consumed with the notion that life has dealt you a difficult hand. No wonder you feel you have been short changed.

Pleasantville and not the movie is actually closer than you think.  I expect your living it and you don't know it. Perception can be reality just like the saying says. I suggest you perceive you already have abundance. If you don't it will soon come to you. I suggest to you just about every individual on the earth has issues that bring them stress and sadness.
So how can you get back to a mindset of abundance. How can you make that perception a reality.  Here are some ideas that have worked for me.

  • Start a gratitude journal.  Yes I know what your thinking. Do it. Take a minute to write to paper all the wonderful things you have in your life. Concentrate on the non material things. Write until you can't think of any more.  Now do it every day.  You will most likely find you already have abundance.
  • The best way not to have buyers remorse is not to buy it. Trust me. It urge will go away. I have never seen a trailer with all your worldly possessions being pulled behind a hearse.  Have you? You can not take your possessions with you when you die but you get to take love and your memories.
  • Spend more time with your friends that are not into showing off possessions.  Remember Will Smith's famous saying. " Too many people spend money they have not earned yet to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like."
  • Eat healthy and exercise. Exercise helps clear the clutter from your mind. 
  • Create a new habit that will change your outlook on life. It may be as simple as writing in your gratitude journal. Do it every day for 30 days.

We all have heard, in our lives, that money can not buy happiness. I say money can but only if your mentally grounded and not driven to impress like Will Smith told us. Money can provide you with financial security. Spending it on material things will only bring you temporary happiness.  I suggest you first come to the understanding that love of friends and family is earned by who you are. I expect you already have it and did not know it.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Make 2013 The Year You Stop Making Excuses

Excuses are a way of saying I did not have the guts to do it. I was afraid of the outcome. I see an excuse as a way of saying I'm normal. I am just plain lazy or it wasn't that important. Why would I stretch myself? Take a hard look at yourself. If your saying this to yourself and your OK with that your in trouble. I'm suggesting you dig down deep. Make a resolution, that 2013 is the year you stopped making excuses.
How many times have we heard governments say we did not make our target budget because the revenue did not come in as expected. The economy performed below expectations. We all just roll our eyes and say it's government. What else would we expect. Forget the fact they are ruining the future for our children. We have actually allowed the excuse to creep into our every day lives to. It's somebody else's fault. Would you be willing to have government or external forces tell us to turn left and turn right at their will. I sure hope not. Why do we continue to allow this to happen in our every day lives. You will never grow as a person and more importantly as a parent if we accept an excuse of ourselves.
Here is what I believe happens when we stop making excuses.

  • When we stop making excuses we actually take control of our lives. Yes, there is a catch. It means that you will actually have to do what you said you were going to do.
  • You will gain trust and respect from others. "Now there's a person of their word".
  • It causes us to think before we open our mouth and commit to something knowing full well you have to do it.
  • Yes is easier than saying no. No is often the right answer especially if you won't do what you said you would do. Think of the consequences on your character.
  • Make no mistake that it is only by your actions you are remembered.
  • When you stop making excuses you don't have to remember what you said.

I suggest you start to listen to yourself when you talk. Have the guts to say no and mean it. If you think your hurting someones feelings by saying no, think again. You are hurting your reputation even more by saying yes and not doing it. Live your life excuse free. Convince yourself that you resolve to not make excuses this year. Your credibility needs an awakening. Make 2013 the year you will actually do what you said you will do.

Sunday, December 16, 2012

The Road To Success Is Paved With A Positive Attitude

Staying upbeat and in the zone requires being in tune to your emotions. I also believe having a positive attitude is closely tied to a belief that you have the talent and the ability to get it done. For some this comes easy. For most it's a difficult.
Navel gazing can be a good thing if you like the possibilities of what life will bring you. To get to this mindset of a positive attitude you must push back the limiting beliefs that were created from your previous failures. These limiting beliefs could have also come from a poor support system in your childhood. So just how do we get to this condition of a positive attitude? I am certain the six tasks below will get you started.

  • First, I believe you need to identify what it is you want in life and be firmly committed to that desire. Establishing the emotional pull becomes a pleasure point that will help strengthen your commitment.

  • Secondly, you need to identify the negative people in your life and start to work on changing who your friends are. As tough as it may seem, make a list of the negative people in your life and make a commitment to drop them from your circle of friends. Why would you ever call someone a friend who is constantly pulling you back?

  • Thirdly, is to start to meet and hang out with achievers and people who can help bring you up a notch. It's like that old saying " Success breeds success." Join a Networking Group.

  • Fourthly, is to do something to improve your job or your career. This may be to take a course to upgrade your skills. Meet with your boss and have that heart to heart and express that you are genuinely committed to growing in this company.

  • Fifth is what I feel to be one of the most important steps. Find a mentor. Find that someone who has earned success. This is a person you can emulate. A good mentor will help you grow and provide sound advise regarding your future success.

  • Lastly is to get your hands on some inspirational books or videos. Tony Robbins, Jack Canfield just to name two. Tony has clips on YouTube. Jack does free tel-conferences on a monthly basis. 1000's attend each call. Tons of free material can be found on the internet. These inspirational leaders will help get you pumped and they will keep you pumped. Most important. They will help keep you on track.

Having a positive attitude is one thing. Staying positive when things are going against you is another beast altogether. Understanding that setbacks are a part of life and that setbacks are only temporary is key. Setbacks are life's way of measuring your commitment to success. A positive attitude will get you up and running faster. It's the fuel of your success.

Find Your Inspiration From Successful People

Last Fall I attended a banquet put on by the Better Business Bureau. Every person I spoke with while networking before the dinner portion was in my opinion successful. The people I got to sit with were nothing short of amazing. The energy in the room was electric. The BBB was honoring companies that displayed high ethics in business. Now this is a crowd that I like to hang out with. I immediately think of trust and credibility when it comes to ethics. It should be a way of life inside your businesses as well as how you interact with our external customers.
As the discussion around our table started to loosen up I became more amazed of the talent I was hanging out with. Those at the table included.

  • A Real Estate magnet who does 8 figure property deals internationally. He is also a published author of his business biography.

  • There was a President of a large moving company that has offices right across Canada. He is also a Board Member of the Better Business Bureau. Remember the night was about ethics in business.

  • An Executive Vice President who left a career as a successful Doctor of Optometry to get into business. Now that's following your passion.

  • Also seated at the table was the President of a sales training company but with a unique twist. His company works with business owners who are not sales people. He works with them on how to understand sales people and how to best engage their sales staff.

  • Also at the table was a President of a large printing company who is finding success in a very competitive business.

  • Seated as well with us, a Lawyer who left a large law firm to go with a three person firm. He wanted to get more engaged with his clients. That takes guts in my books.

  • The host of the table is a Regional Manager for a very unique insurance company, that is not an insurance company. How is this for unique! Their customer companies self insure. That's right. Self insure. The customer company selects the benefits and the maximum that can be paid out in each benefit of the plan. His company just manages the details and the claims from the medical card they provide. Their fee is disclosed.

  • Oh Yes there was me. The former President of an Office Products Company and Former President of a Computer Forms Company. I am currently a partner in a Scottish apparel company aside from my role at Answer365.

I can tell you the conversation around the table was not about who won the World Series. The purpose of this article is not to say I am good at name dropping and hobnobbing. To the contrary. What I have written about is that I made the effort to go out to this event and hear all about the successful nominees for the BBB Ethics Awards. I wanted to see and feel first hand what ethical businesses do. I left the event feeling invigorated and motivated. Success will not find it's way to you. It is by your actions and your determination that you will find success. I came away with so much more that I went in with. So get out there. Meet some people who will inspire you. You will be thankful you did.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Find Success Using A Balance Of Goals And Resolutions

With the new year just around the corner it's a great time to reflect and to set new goals. Business typically starts to wind down over the holidays and I suggest you start now with your planning for the coming year. Starting this exercise the second week of January will have a negative effect on your end result. Planning takes time and reflection. Planning is tough to do when your buried in the day to day part of your job.
What is the difference between a resolution and a goal you ask? A goal is about achieving something. For example. I am going to earn so much money. A resolution it's something you keep. You own it. When you change a habit like eating less, that transforms into weighing less. Eating less would be considered the resolution. The goal is weighing less. We can use words like intentions and habits too when comparing them to goals and resolutions. All of these words however point back to one word. Change. We all want to improve ourselves for various reasons. The net result is to make your life better. The thing that gets in the middle is change. Change can make you feel nervous. However deep down you know you need to change. That little person in the back of your mind keeps showing up saying. "Why do this, when every time you have tried, you have failed." Quite simply you gave up after just a few days because you found it to hard to change. Your not alone. It is estimated, that some where between 80 and 90 percent of all New Years Resolutions fail after just one week. You ask yourself. Why bother?
There is no single recipe for success. Here are some techniques that will help you identify what you want to resolve yourself to do. Success will soon be within your grasp.

  • Don't rely on motivation alone.
  • Concede to the fact that change can be and usually is difficult.
  • Write down what you want to accomplish.
  • Write down how you will feel once you have achieved your goal. This is a critical step as this will add emotion and it will come from your heart.
  • Provide yourself with a bonus for the achievement.
  • Break your resolutions and goals into daily tasks that are steps toward the end goal and result. As they say "By The Inch It's A Cinch".
  • Little weekly victories add up to achievement of your goal.
  • Share you resolution with someone who will hold you accountable. It's no fun telling your accountability partner you didn't do it because of some lame excuse.

I believe by using the suggestions above you will not become a statistic. It's good to have lots of goals. Many of these goals can be on your wish list or often referred to as a bucket list. I personally have a long list of goals with completion dates that are two to three years out. It's the resolutions which require change now that are the toughest to achieve. It takes 30 days to break a habit. It also takes 30 days to create a new one. Imagine what you can accomplish having removed what is holding you back from success. Prepare yourself now to take flight in the new year. Have fun.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Are You Pushing Business Or Pulling Business ?

Time and time again sales people have pitched me with features and benefits before they have even asked me if I have any knowledge of what they have to sell or program they propose. They just keep talking and move to a close. Two things come to my mind. That poor person just does not get it. Even worse that poor person's boss does not get it. These types of people are the types who give sales people a bad wrap. I honestly could not sleep at night having sold someone something they did not need or want.

We all have to carve a living out of life. Some of us get the chance to do what really turns us on. How good is that? For me I get to do two things that really excite me. One is being the sales leader for a contact centre. I work with companies who have some pain in their processes that I help resolve. Having been an entrepreneur most of my life I know that the biggest issue with business is growing business. More important is growing business profitably. Most successful business owners know they can't be good at all things. Basically I love helping my customers grow their business. I am also a business coach. I help my clients turn their dreams into successful businesses. I also help business owners turn their struggling companies around. This is all very rewarding to me. I am a lucky guy. For me it's not sales.

I ask that you think hard about what I have stated in the previous paragraph. I get joy in helping other people find their success. The only way I can do this is to find out what they want to achieve. I can only do this by asking questions. This is where the pulling business part kicks in. It is only through asking the questions and really listening that the solution become obvious. I should point out that it should also be obvious for your customer or client too. It is when you get to this stage you can then ask your potential customer how would it feel if this was the solution that would benefit their business. Please note that I have asked two questions here. One was the emotional part and the second being the good for your business part. I truly believe if you marry the two questions together and the answer is yes to both you have sale. The potential customer came to the determination of what they need to do. They are making the purchase. I did not sell them anything. This is what I call pulling business.

I agree that at some point of the process there has to be a features and benefits conversation. To be really successful at selling you have to be good at pulling. This is achieved by asking good and thought provoking questions. It is only after answering these questions that you can move to the benefits and successful ending. My experience is, don't rush. It pays to be patient. When your customer has made a purchasing decision it has been made for the right reasons. Have you noticed that no where in this article did I mention price? If you do not focus on the price your potential customer will not focus on the price either. Isn't it time you started pulling your way to successful selling?

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Does Your Positive Attitude Run On Automatic

Recently while attending a Rotary District Leadership weekend, I found myself in a room full of people with high energy and positive attitudes. People who want to effect change and make the world a better place both at home and in countries in need. It's one of the many reasons I belong to Rotary. My article this week is not about Rotary but it's the people of Rotary who planted the seed for this weeks positive attitude article.
I find personally that I focus on the positive result and not the act of being positive. Spend the energy on the result. The only way to obtain the positive result is with a positive attitude. This means that you are already in the positive attitude mindset. Say good-bye to that voice in the back of your mind saying, " I have to be positive, I have to be Positive". Do you see what I mean by this? One of the keys to getting to this space is to be cognitive of your thoughts. If your thoughts are positive outcome based, it's about the outcome.
I often refer to myself as the opportunity salesman. Do you suppose you can be the best you can be with a limp attitude? I don't think so. Do you want to go through life without becoming better than you are today? I would hope not. The human race is evolving. Do you suppose that evolution is taking place because of the doubters and negative minded types. I don't think so. The can do positive minded individuals are leading the charge. To use an analogy. Many of us in North America are disgruntled with politics and politicians. So what happens. We vote leaders and governments out. All the energy is spent combating the other political party. I ask you. What do suppose would happen if all were pulling in the same direction? I expect the social and business agendas would be met. That's why I don't watch the news. It's counter productive. I get my news from the Internet. My reading includes business news and good new stories. There is no room for negativity in my mind. Yes I would agree that we can not go through life with blinders on however I prefer to spend time in the space that I have some control over.
Here are some simple tips that will certainly get your head in a positive state of mind.

  1. Start a gratitude journal and write in it every morning. You will discover you have much to be thankful for.
  2. Review your goals. To do lists are good however they are activity based and not big picture. I caution you not get your to do list and goals mixed up. You may find that if your trying to change a habit that is related to a goal you will need to put this on your to do list until it becomes automatic.
  3. Look for a couple of inspirational web sites and save them on your favorites list. Read a few of these each morning.
  4. At the end of each business day write down what you will do first thing in the morning. Open your email second as that creates reacting to external forces. Yes you will have to deal with these emails but you should deal with them on your terms.
  5. Look for positive minded new friends whether they are social or business.

It is my belief the can do people are those who have their positive attitude in automatic. All their energy is focused on the end result. The bonus is, that it's one heck of allot more fun to do than grinding through things you deem a pain in the butt. How are you going to start your day tomorrow? I know how I am going to start mine.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Life Lessons In This Message

We as humans generally become more risk adverse as we mature. Why do you suppose that happens? I believe there are two answers to that question. With age one has less time to recover from a set back, financial or otherwise. The second is that we have become conditioned to react from certain events because we have been there before. I will share some of what I have learned from both my successes and my failures. Making sound decisions should be a process whether you are young or old. This is where the study and reading part plays a role. Knowledge can be learned through study, while wisdom for the most part is earned.
Quite simply it shapes up this way. I have been broke twice in my life and lived to tell about it. Yes, this builds character but it should not have to be that way. Both set backs were a result of bad decisions. In both instances I was owner of bricks and mortar businesses. Yes industry consolidations played a large role in the failures. But, to be perfectly honest some impulsive decisions in my personal life played a big part as well. You will notice on my Linkedin Profile that my education is a Masters In Common Sense. I can honestly say I gained this degree the hard way. I grew up with a strong family background that included decency and work ethic. The common belief in our home was this is a land of opportunity and you have loads of talent. I did not formally go to university however I was continually taking courses in business as well as attending personal development workshops. I was heavily engaged in personal development long before it became in vogue. Being an ADHD I knew I must invest time in this area, as it would help me be more cognitive of my decisions. I believed it would help me make more rational decisions. For the most part it did. ADHD's are emotionally charged and running with your heart is not always the best practice. This life course has brought me to where I am today as a coach to business owners. I have learned that many entrepreneurs get so emotionally involved it often clouds the decisions they must make.
One of life's toughest experiences came during a period when I owned a small business with a staff of 12. It was a successful business for 9 years followed by 2 years of a living hell. A consolidation in the industry coupled with a large life style left myself and the business with little wiggle room during a down turn in the economy. I lost everything including my pride. I managed to hold on to our house with the help of family. Through these times I lost my self-esteem and confidence. I hit rock bottom. I wondered. Could things ever get better? I can assure you they can.
This is where the lesson part comes in. I felt I always took the responsibility for my actions. For the most part that is true but it is easy to blame external forces. I also blamed these external forces as a form of personal denial. Taking responsibility for your actions is only half of what is required for you to move on after such events. One must make changes in how we approach the next steps. More of the same way of doing things will produce the same results. You need to understand why things went wrong. Were these events things you had control over? If that is the case it's time for some real soul-searching and understanding of yourself. Ask yourself. Is a change required of your habits and the way you do things? You have to peel back the layers of the onion and see what's in the middle. Often there is a smell associated with this exercise. It takes courage to look that deeply inside ones inner self. I did it and I moved forward.
Lessons can also be learned from our successes. I believe time should be taken to reflect and learn from our success. It's only natural to take success for granted. Success and victory feel great and do not carry the anguish and pain that comes from failure. You should take a step back and look at what took place to reach your goal. Was there pain, or were there roadblocks that you over came? What I have learned from my success as a businessperson is that I work well with people. I love to grow business and relationships. I am good at letting staff be the best they can be and to allow them to learn from their mistakes and to grow. What I am not good at is too much structure and repetitive work. I hate being managed. I need things to be fresh and engaging. I like strategic thinking that is solution based. I like projects because they have a beginning and an end. I ask many of my clients. Whats your end game with your company? What's your exit strategy? Many do not have an exit strategy. You should build your life or business plan around that outcome. That was one of my toughest lessons in business. I had an opportunity to sell my business at it's height. The irony is that three years later the business collapsed. You can not begin to appreciate the pain associated with that decision. But I learned from that.
Yes the toughest lessons come from failure. It is through your failures that you are able to have bigger success in the future. Success is rarely easy. You see, even in success we often say to our selves "I would do it a little differently next time".

Monday, July 9, 2012

Achieve Success By Managing Your Goals

Normally I do not focus on myself when writing success tips however due to a series of personal events the past year, I was forced to reevaluate some of my goals. What took place caused me to focus even more intensely on some goals and put other goals in the parking lot.
For my regular readers you will notice I have not written an article in 9 weeks. This is a big change after a steady pace of writing an article a week for over 15 months. So what happened? Several things. I took the lead on a huge project at work that consumed a ton of hours. The result of these efforts will make a huge difference to the company and it also means I will achieve my income goals for this year. What became very clear is my number one goal was receiving most of the attention.
One of the events that took place is both my parents broke their hips 8 months apart if you can imagine that. Being with them has taken up much of my time. Both these events were beyond my control. But they happened. My being there for my parents is extremely important to me and that caused me to prioritize my time to accommodate what was important. More importantly I had to evaluate the goals I would have the time to work toward.
These following four things had to be put on the back burner because there was not enough time to achieve them.
  1. My weekly article writing became unimportant.

  2. My 20 mile a week walking regime dropped way off which put my target weight goal on hold.

  3. The book I am working on fell right off the radar with the completion date being pushed out. I have allowed myself two years.

  4. I had to cut down on my volunteer work. Perhaps the toughest one to put on hold. Doing this without having some guilt was difficult for me. I have so much to be thankful for it's hard to imagine cutting back on my giving.

  5. What did take off as a result of adjusting my goals were these three things. All good things to be proud of.

  6. The number of new big accounts has taken off at work. This as a result of my diligent and well planned marketing to an untapped market. These new deals are very strategic and rewarding. I am helping other companies grow their business. As an entrepreneur for many years of my life it is a total sense of joy. Building business is what entrepreneurs do. What a rush.

  7. My coaching and mentoring career is starting to take flight. Once again I am helping others grow and prosper. This is a very rewarding experience.

  8. Thirdly I am spending more quality time with my family. All four generations of them. I do this with intention and purpose. I do not leave it to chance that I will have the free time. I accomplish this by scheduling this time with my family.
So what's the lesson here? What has become very clear is that we must always stay conscious of our goals. Reviewing and measuring these goals at least several times a week it critical to your success. Prioritize your goals and adjust them so they are clear and relevant. My goals that were placed in the parking lot are not dead. I simply say they are in hibernation. One thing for certain is if your not committed to a goal then it's not well thought out. If you are going to do it, make sure it is for the right reason. Some of your goals may become less important in time. This is much the same in life as what matters changes with age. You should be OK with that. Does it not make sense to excel with fewer stretch goals than achieve six easy ones? Exactly.
The real bonus for me is that my most important goals are flourishing. Yours can too. I am having so much fun achieving my most important goals and I have a renewed energy. I know that I am being the best that I can be. Our staff depends on that. Our customers deserve that too. The time I have spent writing this article has also freshened my love to write. That goal of completing my book is not lost. Success is in your grasp too. Managing your goals will give you a boost toward your future success. Take the time to do this. Your worth it.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Achieve Success Through Giving

We hear time and time again. Just give. It always comes back. I believe this to be so. The part about giving that many people do not understand, is that you can not just give once or twice and wait for it to come back to you. You must continually give. You can give your time and your expertise as the gift will come back to you in a different forms that you expected. Lets call it giving in kind as you rarely have to pay for it.
During a recent tel-conference interview hosted by success coach to authors and speakers Steve Harrison he asked the world's number one success coach Jack Canfield what he did to help get his book Chicken Soup for the Soul published. Jack told us he and his co author Mark Victor Hansen were out public speaking at no charge and they joined business clubs and public service clubs for the purpose of giving. Mr. Canfield added that by doing this it was about the audience and not about himself. It was however in the power of the message that opportunities came following his presentations. Offers to do seminars and corporate trainings with good financial rewards often followed these presentations.
If your not convinced, the challenge for you will be taking the leap of faith that this will work. This is not about religion. It's about human understanding and core values. This method is about giving a benefit to the listeners, attendees and readers. For example this is the beauty of Ezine Articles. Advertising in your articles is not permitted. Self promotion is restricted to our resources boxes. If the publishers of Ezine Articles do not see the value in your articles or you are attempting to self promote the article will not be approved. I suggest to you that if there is value in your message first time readers will go to your personal website to find out more about you. The purpose is value to the readers.
Here are some additional ideas and benefits to giving that will bring you rewards for years to come. It's not just for authors and speakers. It can be in support of your business or your way of life. 
  • Be the quest speaker at free to attend speaking engagements. This will help you hone your skills in presenting and public speaking to an audience.
  • If you are starting out as a life or business coach you may wish to consider taking the odd client for a reduced fee or no fee. If you have been able to help them then they will send you referrals.
  • Get your articles or blog published in local news papers or magazines for no charge. Writing no fee articles will help you get the message out about who you are and what you do. Lets call this free advertising. Yes and it was a gift! How good is that.
  • Join a service club. It is a wonderful way to get in touch with the community and to meet new and interesting people. Give first and the opportunities will appear in ways that you least expect them. I have been a Rotarian for 20 years and I can not begin to tell you what a huge impact this organization has had on my life. Relationships, travel, new business customers and the joy of helping and watching others grow. Wow, is all I can say.
  • Get involved in a mentorship program. Help an immigrant get started. Help a small business owner gain the confidence to grow. The joy of helping others grow will be payment enough. The benefits to you will receive will be nothing short of astonishing.
Multiple gifts will often bring return gifts of two or three times more than you gave. When you as one person give to a group more than one person in the group will give the return gift. The key to giving is to expect nothing in return. If you looked at it in any other way it would be doing someone a favor to which you expect to collect later. The best and only way is to give without obligation. Give from your heart and be genuine. Others will then want to give to you. It has happened to me so many times over my life I can sum it up in three words. I am blessed. You see success comes in many ways as it is different for all. When your passion produces the gift the return gift fuels your passion. True success is when others want to send you their business because you gave and give value. By giving, good things will come to you. I am living proof.

Article Source:

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Staying Positive in Life - Tips for Improving Your Outlook on Life

It's the age old question. How do you stay up beat and positive amid so many pressures and challenges in your day to day live. In my Business Coaching practice I work with entrepreneurs who are holding so many balls in the air that they lose focus on what the object of their lives and their business is all about. Many of them are consumed in doing stuff. Working in their business instead of on their business. It's hard to stay positive when it seems you are not making any progress. So how do you bring that positive attitude back into your life? Here are some tips that work for some of my clients who suffer from being over whelmed. Yes, I too practice these tips.
  • Create a personal purpose. Lets call it a mission statement but for your life. It's not about the business you own or work for. I can tell you that it took me several weeks of introspective thought and research to get to mine. There are numerous sites on the internet that will help bring you to that point where you are ready to put it to paper. Some are religious based and some relating to finding what makes you happy. In my books happy is always good. Creating a well thought out personal purpose will help bring out your passion and harness it. The result being you will have increased your outlook on life with the benefit being a stronger positive attitude.
  • Start a Gratitude Journal. I write in mine every day. I give thanks to all the wonderful things in my life including the names of wonderful and uplifting people I meet every day. You will be amazed at what you already have. Stop. Catch your breath. Think about all the good things in your life. Write them down on purpose. I suggest you not focus on the hole in the donut but focus on the chocolate glaze. Yum.
  • Spend time with and hang out with positive minded people. They are out there. Lots of them. I suggest to you they have problems in their lives they are trying to overcome as well. The difference is their outlook. Things are good now and life will only get better. Positive minded people embrace this outlook and they are doing something about it.
It is extremely important that you be conscious of your thoughts. Turn back the negative thoughts as soon as they appear. Just plain nuke them. The sun shines on a rainy day. It's just out of view. You know it will come back tomorrow. You should also know that your likely going to get wet when your chasing rainbows. You'll dry off. I will close with sharing with you with my personal purpose. I hope this helps you, in achieving your new outlook that life is grand and full of abundance.
My personal purpose is to be a role model of giving, love, wisdom, credibility, personal satisfaction, learning, happiness and joy that will inspire my family, friends, customers and associates.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles Is The Key To Your Success

I spent some time early this morning doing some reading of inspirational quotes. Not so much as to get me pumped up but to provide me with fresh ideas to write for my readers. We all see Facebook Friends who post daily quotes of what others have said in an attempt to inspire others. What they have not said is one word why they have put this quote forward or why they believe the quote to be relevant. I usually just hit unsubscribe for these Facebook friends who push out these daily quotes. I see it as a shallow attempt to increase their Google rankings or to suggest they have wisdom because they posted an inspiring quote. Wisdom is earned. Yes we want to inspire others. It is however through ones life experiences and research that we gain wisdom.
The quote that grabbed me the most this morning was that of Henry Ford. "Obstacles are those frightful things we see when you take your eyes off the goal." This quote however is not as harsh as one of Abraham Lincoln's quotes, "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm". The two quotes are similar but to what extreme do we endure pain and failure to reach our goals? I believe what we learn from these quotes is there will be obstacles. It's the preparation and mental toughness of how you deal with these obstacles that will determine your success. Life is not anywhere close to pick door number one and it's smooth sailing from here.
You know there will be road blocks. You know there will be failures.
  • By simply accepting that road blocks and obstacles will appear is the first step.
  • Through preparation and your willingness to learning how to deal with obstacles is the second step.
  • The third and most important step is understanding that these obstacles and road blocks are a way to validate that your goal passes the test. If not, than your goal needs changes. This is the difference between a very attainable and a stretch goal.
I personally believe we have to live life in the big picture. That being said, life is full of details we must attend to. It's by doing the little things right that we get to live life in the big picture. The devil is in the details can be viewed this way. If you allow yourself to get mired in the little things you will never be able to expand and see the big picture. The sky is large and for the most part blue for a reason. I believe the term blue sky is for all things possible. The dream. The big picture. I will leave you with my second most favorite quote I read this morning. It's by Cherie Gilderbloom: "The best dreams are the ones we have while we are awake."

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Success Takes Energy And Focus

Staying focused on our goals can be very difficult when our energy levels come and go. This thought came to mind this morning as I am out of town on business and feeling this desire to just loaf the day away. I have a lovely hotel room overlooking the harbor and it has put my mind at ease. I have been on a great run with business this pass year. I have also been busy writing my book and planning my Executive Coaching business. The tug of war is on. Relax or get at it. The pace I have been going at has robbed me of some energy. I find when the energy level drops, so does the focus. The two are very much connected.
So my challenge today is to write an article on success then complete a presentation I am presenting as a guest speaker on Tuesday morning. I am presenting to an executive team tomorrow morning on a large project our company is proposing to a client. I have in my brief case a book and CD for an exercise and weight loss program I want to start. I also have some reading and studying to do for my coaching business. My website needs some updating. It looks like today is not a day for procrastination. Loafing is out of the question. I am focused. I could feel overwhelmed but I am not. I am just not sure my energy level is there. It's time to create some energy. I will be back.
So I now have some renewed energy. It came from going to the Hotel Health Club and hopping on the tread mill for 45 minutes. Yes exercise can and will increase your energy level. I ran out to the supermarket and got some healthier food. A salad, apples and soda water. I am certain a lunch full of carbs would have me taking a long after noon nap. So here I am, back at it.
Before you say don't bore me with all this Paul, ask yourself how often does this happen to you? You just blow off the day. Exactly. If this is what you do, tomorrow is going to be a day that controls you. Why? Because you are not fully prepared. You will be rushing and reacting. You will be exhausted at the end of the day and not certain of the outcomes from your day. What an awful place to be.
So here is the process that went through my mind this morning. It's about making a deliberate decision.
  • I created a list of the have to do, followed by choose to.
  • I prioritized them.
  • I looked at the time I had to complete them.
  • I reminded my self that I will be sailing to Bermuda and taking two weeks of in June.
  • I reminded myself that I am going to Australia for three weeks this September.
The decision became easy. I was going to have a ton of what I call "gliding days" coming up. So as you can tell I have finished my article and I am now getting to work on Tuesday's speech which is already written in my head. I just need to get it to paper. Next I will get at my website. Make some necessary changes. Then have a half hour nap. I will then do some studying while I watch the golf. I will review tomorrows presentation this evening. The diet and exercise program will have to wait. But wait. I did get my exercise in and I ate healthy. Not a bad result for a winter Sunday in a hotel room.

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Friday, February 17, 2012

Are You Afraid Of What It Takes To Succeed?

More and more of people are using the power of positive thought to try to achieve their dreams. The part to understand is that they will remain dreams if you do act upon them. Leaving behind the world of easy mindless entertainment is the challenge that most of you will face. Web surfing and television require no thought. Both are a vehicle to provide your brain with lazy stimulus. Then again who would even consider the notion that success is easy. That's why true success is for those who pursue it. It all begins with you and your determination. Quite simply. How bad do you want to succeed. Contrary to what you believe it does not have to be painful. In fact, it can be fun.
OK Paul. Whats with the fun bit? Have you have lost your mind? Again I push it back to you. How fun is staring at a glass panel that produces images for your mind to process. OK. You get it. I am not a television watcher. I can go days without watching. That is of course, unless it's golf. Golf takes talent, practice,persistence and the burning desire to win. To win by the way is the goal. Successful golfers do all of the above. So now you understand my passion for golf both on and off the course. It is a journey of always trying to be better.
Let's get back to the title of the article. "Are you afraid of what it takes to succeed"? Most are. The main reason is that it takes you outside your comfort zone. Out past the easy stuff. Just imagine what life would be like if you dialed up your comfort zone. Lets imagine your comfort zone is doing things better than the average person. It's OK to want to be better today than you were yesterday. In fact it's healthy to push ones self. People who exercise and have active working minds live happier and more productive lives. In my mind that should be everyone's dream. The key to a long life.
So what are you afraid of? What is holding you back? If someone was to paint a picture of your happiest moment would you go after it? Would you be willing to give up a few hours of mindless entertainment every week to reach that end? Yes, this is a paragraph of questions. Have you been able to answer yes to any of the questions? Everyone dreams of a better you. A better life. Yet so few act on it.
So here is a little exercise to plant the seed. I got this idea from one of my mentors Jack Canfield from his book "The Success Principles". It's about creating goals. Grab a pen and paper and start to write down every thing you want in life. Absolutely everything! For example. A new car, summer cottage, a healthier you. How about a raise at work or better still, to be self-employed. Where are you going to go on that dream vacation. Don't stop. Write till you can write no longer. Phew. Are you done? Two things have happened here. First is that you did no realize there were so many things you want and are missing in life. Secondly, is you now have some goals. The first step to achieving a goal is to write it down. The next step is to organize them and start to work on achieving them.
I truly believe you have to look after number one in life. Yes, that's you. By doing so, you can be a better father or mother. A better husband or wife. A better employee who gets rewarded for your efforts. Get over the notion it's selfish to be the best you can be. A healthy, happier you has so much more to give. The biggest gift of all will be what your children learn from you. The gift being how to become a success. You don't have to teach it. They just watch and emulate you. There is no greater motivator in life than to watch your children grow and become successful. They will love you for it.

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Fly Past The Road Blocks To Your Success

How does one manage to stay upbeat when life throws challenges at you faster than you want? Are you ready for the challenges when they come? How do you react to these challenges? You can't live life in the "what if" frame of mind and we certainly can't live with our heads stuck in the sand.
How does one plan for these road blocks? I believe the mastery of this is related to understanding your goals and what your success of the goal means to you. You know the car will need repairs at some point. You know the proposal you have worked so hard to prepare will face some objections. Here in lies the key. If you know what the potential road blocks are to anything you attempt you can plan ahead for them. For some positive-attitude people this is a breeze. But if you are a fear for the worst type, this is all very difficult. To repeat one of my favorite quotes by Mark Twain. "I spent much of my life worrying about things that never happened" My spin on that is when they do, be ready. The important thing to understand is you don't live in the fear of it happening. They usually appear for a reason.
The following are some first steps that will help you stay focused on your goal.
  1. Make sure you are fully committed to the goal.
  2. Write down a list of possible road blocks to your goal.
  3. Write down how you will respond or act once faced with the road block.
  4. Once you have dealt with the road block ensure there is closure to the road block so it does not appear again.
Mental toughness can be a learned talent. An important thing to remember once a road block appears to be certain you understand what the objection is. There may be some validity to the objection. If that is the case you may need to adjust your plan or goal. The good news is your plan or goal is now stronger as you have fine tuned it. All good would you not agree? Approaching road blocks with blinders on can be deadly. Charging down a path that has no certain end is fool hearty.
When road blocks occur we must look at them with a purpose. They appeared for a reason. There are usually two main reasons for objections.
  1. You have not explained your goal or plan clear enough.
  2. There are real issues regarding the validity of your goal or plan.
In either case if you go back to the above two points you will find the solution. Correct it and be on your way with a stronger and well thought through goal.
Life is all about learning and putting into action what we have learned. Wisdom is earned. The will to succeed is the most important part of goal setting. I believe even more so than the goal itself. It is your commitment to success that will see you to victory. Starting out knowing in your heart you will become a success is paramount. The road to get there will be a joyous journey well worth taking. Let's get started.

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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Achieve Greatness Through The Power Of Thought

This past week I read the "Science of Being Great' by Wallace Wattles. It has been an interesting read as it follows the line of his book "The Science Of Getting Rich". Once again the emphasis is on the power of thought. Wattles believes that we must work and focus on greatness but we are not to rush. For if we are shallow and unprepared people will not seek our advise. If we are boastful others will not seek your advise and in fact likely avoid you. Wattles believes and I agree we can become great by reading, understanding life's experiences, thinking and through your actions. Wisdom is in fact earned and gained through experience. No one is born with wisdom. The key is that we are truly judged by our actions. Words are just that. Words unless supported by actions.
The book "The Secret" is perhaps the most widely read book of the past decade. "The Secret" is in fact about the power of attraction. Each chapter in the book is written by experts in the fields of the law of attraction and the power of thought. The books purpose was really to bringing about what you dream about and think about. This all makes perfect sense. For example it is unlikely we do not end up as a doctors if we dreamed or envisioned being a fireman. This I believe is all gained through a thought that became planted in our minds. How good we become at it, is how well we thought it through. That what we visualized in our mind does in fact become reality. Lets call this thought, the seed. From there it grows. However we must fertilize the seed with thoughts of completion. I believe the teachings in "The Secret" to be actual fact. The thoughts that we truly believe will become truths. This can all take place no matter if your rich or poor. The first step toward greatness starts with a clear vision.
A dream is just a dream if you do not act upon it. I believe this to be the most important part that many of the authors left out of "the Secret". It is critical to your success that you remove all doubt that it can be achieved. For if you doubt your thoughts, you are not committed to achieve it. You must fill your mind with positive thought. Thoughts that will carry your dreams and aspirations to reality. Greatness does not fall out of the sky. The eureka moment will appear because you brought that action toward you. The eureka moment is really a crystallization of what you believed would happen. The eureka moment becomes the proof that you can bring about, what you think about. This is also the title of a great book written by Eddie Lemoine. " Bring About What You Think About"
This thought process can be hard to grasp when your stuck in the dreaming stage. You must narrow down your thoughts to small details. Dreams are really what we wish for. A wish is just that. A wish. The last time I looked, The Silver Bullet was a beer commercial. There is now fast and easy way to achieve greatness just like there is no Silver Bullet. Success in becoming great comes after you take the thought from your mind into acting it out in real life. From the Morning and Evening Thoughts of James Allen's book "As a Man thinketh". "Calmness of mind is one of the beautiful jewels of wisdom. A person becomes calm in the measure that they understand ones self as a though evolved being."
To become great you must believe you are in fact, great. This is accomplished from starting with a positive attitude. However, it is from deep thought and a true belief that you will achieve greatness that you will in fact, achieve greatness.

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