Monday, December 2, 2013

The Badge Of Courage

The Badge Of Courage. What a fitting term. Mr Fisher was indeed referring to City leaders who dared not to be political and to be weird. I happen to live in the being unique camp but the two terms are closely related in my opinion. So how does this relate to business and change management? Closer than you think.
My affiliation with a Change Management company leads me to believe the last thing we want to project to our clients is they could fail. We must all agree there is risk in change but in most instances it's better than not changing. Keeping things as they are is really going backwards. It may be as simple as changing processes within an organization to a complete overhaul of how the company or organization is managed and delivers its services or products. Ether way this takes courage. Mr. Fisher also focused on collaboration of organizations putting the best talent from each company on a team that can add value to each organization taking each company to a higher level. Everyone wins.
I see this in the call centre business here in Canada where a sharing of successes and open discussions of the future takes the industry to a higher level resulting in providing greater service for our customers. Everyone wins. To my American readers I should point out that many of the members of the Canadian Association are in fact American companies. Why do the American Corporations join. It's because we share our successes and not hide it from our competitors. Business in general south of the border is a much more combative stunting growth as the race is to hold a competitive edge leaving the others to play catch up. That being said there are industries such as the cellular and automotive business where competition is fierce and this privacy is fully understandable.
Lets think of this possibility. What could be accomplished if non competitive companies from different business sectors shared their process and talents. This is not a novel idea as this already takes place as owners of small business create their own board of directors through business clubs. They learn from each other. The key ingredient here is they all accept and welcome change.
If you or your company is stuck, it's time you venture out and take a look around. What can you change to make your company more efficient. What can you change to be more attractive to your current and prospective customers. Your customers want you to be fresh and creative. More importantly your staff wants to be challenged to help improve both themselves and the company. Employees do not want to be drones. They want to be valued for what they bring to the company. They want to be part of a successful team. Make change your trusted friend and watch all things around you soar, including yourself.

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