Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Grow Through Change

It's December and you are likely taking stock of what lies ahead from the coming year. You are reflecting on things you want and things about yourself you want to change. To effectively achieve results you will need to embrace change. Growing through change has many positive effects on our lives. It is often the challenge many face as success is just outside our comfort zones. You may ask how does this relate to setting goals and making resolutions for the coming year?
We all know that we can't achieve success by doing things the same way we have for years. We also know that changing our habits and tendencies are extremely difficult yet we all dream of changing ourselves for the better. New Years resolutions are often related to stopping our habits we don't like in our lives. Things like weight, less drinking and smoking come to mind. There in lies the challenge. Stop is a negative. It's my belief we find success in seeking the positive. Focus on the benefit is my motto. Start to live like you are already there.
I ask why do you want to lose weight? You should believe you will be more attractive and healthier. Does it not make sense to seek being more attractive and healthier adverse to losing weight? Exactly. I have always liked the quote. "Success lies just outside your comfort zone". From what I have researched many lay claim or use this quote as their own. Irregardless of the quote, lets look at is this way.
Emotions and realities that reside in your comfort zone include.

  • Where most of humanity resides.
  • Depression.
  • Mediocre.
  • Same old same old.
  • Just getting by.
  • Poor health.
  • Little control over your life.

What is just outside your comfort zone includes.

  • Self confidence.
  • Resilience.
  • Good Health.
  • Financial Success.
  • Being sought after.
  • Living Your Dream.
  • Happiness.

Entrepreneurs and investors understand the term "risk reward" better than most. They know if I stretch and do this I will receive this. I am a huge believer in we are better to have tried and failed than not tried at all. We do after all learn so more from our failures than our successes. There in lies the difference between smart and wisdom.
The key is connecting the emotion with the desire and clearly knowing how the impending success will improve your life. The time you spend obtaining clarity is time well spent. You need to know what your dream is before you can start to live it. Embracing change takes the stress out of leaving your comfort zone. A dream is just a dream until you act on it.

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