One eyes can play tricks with your mind regarding what goes on outside your own world. Visions of nice cars coupled with vacation advertising that whisk you off to far away exotic places all create a false sense of desire. Your credit card balance continually grows to an uncomfortable balance . The polish may have fallen off the apple in the relationship with your partner. It goes on and on. It's easy to allow yourself to get caught up in the life is better on the other side of the street. To much TV will do that to a person. 20% of the time in front of the television is watching commercials. This is where the illusion that all is well with everyone else but me, sneaks into your life. You become consumed with the notion that life has dealt you a difficult hand. No wonder you feel you have been short changed.
Pleasantville and not the movie is actually closer than you think. I expect your living it and you don't know it. Perception can be reality just like the saying says. I suggest you perceive you already have abundance. If you don't it will soon come to you. I suggest to you just about every individual on the earth has issues that bring them stress and sadness.
So how can you get back to a mindset of abundance. How can you make that perception a reality. Here are some ideas that have worked for me.
- Start a gratitude journal. Yes I know what your thinking. Do it. Take a minute to write to paper all the wonderful things you have in your life. Concentrate on the non material things. Write until you can't think of any more. Now do it every day. You will most likely find you already have abundance.
- The best way not to have buyers remorse is not to buy it. Trust me. It urge will go away. I have never seen a trailer with all your worldly possessions being pulled behind a hearse. Have you? You can not take your possessions with you when you die but you get to take love and your memories.
- Spend more time with your friends that are not into showing off possessions. Remember Will Smith's famous saying. " Too many people spend money they have not earned yet to buy things they don't want, to impress people they don't like."
- Eat healthy and exercise. Exercise helps clear the clutter from your mind.
- Create a new habit that will change your outlook on life. It may be as simple as writing in your gratitude journal. Do it every day for 30 days.
We all have heard, in our lives, that money can not buy happiness. I say money can but only if your mentally grounded and not driven to impress like Will Smith told us. Money can provide you with financial security. Spending it on material things will only bring you temporary happiness. I suggest you first come to the understanding that love of friends and family is earned by who you are. I expect you already have it and did not know it.