Saturday, March 2, 2013

There Is No Fast Train To Success

If you're looking for the fast train to success it does not exist. You see the fast train makes fewer stops. It's during the stops that we gain knowledge and experience. We get to reflect and to measure our progress. I believe if your in the hurry up and get there mind set there will be more bumps in the road. Yes it can be said the bumps are lessons we need to learn however if they could have been avoided, it means you were better prepared. I also believe there is allot to be said for enjoying the journey. The most important thing is for you to determine what success means to you. Once you know that, you can chart your course.
What do you picture in your mind when you think of success? Does it make you smile and feel all warm inside. If it does you are very fortunate. Much of today's society is wrapped up in want's adverse to goals and aspirations. A dream will always be a dream until you act on it. "The best dreams you can have are with your eyes wide open". Inspiring words from one of the worlds best business authors, Harvey MacKay.
The train always has to work harder going up hill. Hard work does not have to be filled with struggle and disappointment. I suggest you find a way to make it smart work that will increase the fun factor. Many success seekers get caught up in the planning process and their train never leaves the station. They live in fear of what happens when the train starts rolling down the tracks in the wrong direction. If you have never jumped off a train before it's exhilarating. The slow train is upon reflection easier to stop or to switch rail lines.
So why the train analogy? I like analogy's because they create pictures in your mind that cement the thought and help get a point across. You see I was more than a passenger on a fast train once. I was driving that fast train years ago. I could not wait to get to what I deemed to be success. I was driving at full speed to a financial number that I did not achieve. I came up just short before the train left the tracks. The best advice I can give you in your pursuit of success is do it with a purpose. The error in my judgement was if I had the money I could do what I wanted. The irony was I did not know what I wanted. My goal was singular. It was all about the money. It was not until later in life that I discovered what I really wanted. When I stopped chasing money, the money found its way to me. Wisdom does not travel on the fast train. That's why they say that wisdom is earned.

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