Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Overcoming Obstacles Is The Key To Your Success

I spent some time early this morning doing some reading of inspirational quotes. Not so much as to get me pumped up but to provide me with fresh ideas to write for my readers. We all see Facebook Friends who post daily quotes of what others have said in an attempt to inspire others. What they have not said is one word why they have put this quote forward or why they believe the quote to be relevant. I usually just hit unsubscribe for these Facebook friends who push out these daily quotes. I see it as a shallow attempt to increase their Google rankings or to suggest they have wisdom because they posted an inspiring quote. Wisdom is earned. Yes we want to inspire others. It is however through ones life experiences and research that we gain wisdom.
The quote that grabbed me the most this morning was that of Henry Ford. "Obstacles are those frightful things we see when you take your eyes off the goal." This quote however is not as harsh as one of Abraham Lincoln's quotes, "Success is going from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm". The two quotes are similar but to what extreme do we endure pain and failure to reach our goals? I believe what we learn from these quotes is there will be obstacles. It's the preparation and mental toughness of how you deal with these obstacles that will determine your success. Life is not anywhere close to pick door number one and it's smooth sailing from here.
You know there will be road blocks. You know there will be failures.
  • By simply accepting that road blocks and obstacles will appear is the first step.
  • Through preparation and your willingness to learning how to deal with obstacles is the second step.
  • The third and most important step is understanding that these obstacles and road blocks are a way to validate that your goal passes the test. If not, than your goal needs changes. This is the difference between a very attainable and a stretch goal.
I personally believe we have to live life in the big picture. That being said, life is full of details we must attend to. It's by doing the little things right that we get to live life in the big picture. The devil is in the details can be viewed this way. If you allow yourself to get mired in the little things you will never be able to expand and see the big picture. The sky is large and for the most part blue for a reason. I believe the term blue sky is for all things possible. The dream. The big picture. I will leave you with my second most favorite quote I read this morning. It's by Cherie Gilderbloom: "The best dreams are the ones we have while we are awake."

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