Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ways to Get Your Life Back on Track Using Positive Thinking

Getting back on track after a setback can be an emotional roller coaster. One can seem to be surrounded by negative feelings that just won't let go. It's not as easy as turning a light switch on and off. We struggle to suppress these past events that cause us to over analyze what went wrong. Knowing what went wrong is important but focusing on it just delays our ability to get back to a positive frame of mind. Staying positive consumes allot of energy. Keeping our mind fueled with positive thoughts is a good thing. So how do we move on and regain a positive frame of mind.
I can tell you from personal experience it's hard work. Being an ADHD has made it even tougher on me as ADHD's become so emotionally involved in what they do. It's tough for us to say. "It's just business" or "that's just the way it is". For those of us who have this disorder we often look for new and exciting things to pull us away and bring us pleasure. This technique is often used at the expense of not seeing through what we were previously engaged in. It's a double edge sword. I am certain you too have had events in your life that just seem to grab hold and not let go. Here are some ideas that have helped me to move on to new and happier times.
  • Planning is the first step and this will help put your mind into the future. It may start as a thought or dream but that's OK. Dreams can and often do become reality. Oh yes. Remember to write it down.
  • Put behind you what is holding you back. If it has effected other people, call them and explain how you feel. Say your sorry. Let them know you are anxious to move on. Thank them for their understanding. For heavens sake don't make the same mistake again.
  • Find a friend or a coach who you can talk this through with. Accept the help of others. Going it alone is what we call in Canada, "Skating On Thin Ice".
  • Read something up lifting. As goofy as it sounds it really does work.
  • Play some music that makes you feel good. Good mood and positive attitude are room mates.
  • Get some exercise. Exercise actually gives you more energy. It will also help clear the mind.
  • Schedule some time in your diary for you. This will enable you to work on your plan. One of the worst things that can happen as you begin to feel better and as the stress lessens, you stop moving forward with your new plan.
Positive thinking is often associated with optimism. I feel they are closely related. Optimism is fantastic if we connect it with sound reasoning. Staying positive needs some reinforcement cementing that we are heading in the right direction. An accountability partner or coach will keep you on track. I believe the above tips will help bring some clarity and purpose to your pursuit of success. Do it for yourself. Your worth it.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Overcoming Defeat - The Best Revenge Is Success

Overcoming defeat is one of the toughest things we will ever have to do in life. I have been whipped out financially twice in my life and I believe there is only one option. Get up. Dust yourself off and get on with it. But it's not easy. The only revenge you should be looking for is to prove to yourself and the world that you have what it takes to be successful.
We have to deal with the embarrassment of the loss. We have to deal with the feelings of limiting beliefs that creep back into our lives. There are often financial implications that impact others. These affected people are usually family members. Times like these are when our self-esteem is at the lowest.
We can not sit back and blame others for our problem. Nothing can be gained by this. We created it and we need to take some ownership for our actions. Yes, we all have runs of back luck but we also put ourselves in the position to be at risk. Often we hear of the risk reward scenario. The bigger the risk, the bigger reward. The financially successful people in life are good at managing risk. They work hard at getting to a point where they only risk what they can afford to loose. We all know it does not start out that way.
So how can we get on with life and re-establish ourselves. How can we find a way we can move forward? The following tips worked for me are what I believe to be a good place to start.
  • Take ownership for what has happened. This will help bring closure and you will be able to focus on a new opportunity.
  • Take the time to understand why you failed to insure you do not make the same mistakes.
  • You will obviously need the help of others at a time of loss. Often these people will appear out of nowhere and offer to help. Accept this help. The fastest way out of the hole is with the help of others. I strongly suggest you do not look at this as charity. These people have come to help because they care about you. They feel and understand your grief.
  • Find a mentor and or a coach. They will help bring clarity. It's very possible they have gone through what you are going through too. They will help you see there is a life after a defeat in business or you have lost a job.
  • Have a long meaningful conversation with your spouse or partner. Make sure you listen. It's not always about you. They to are feeling your pain. They to have a stake in your future success.
I can tell you from experience that we are tougher than you think. I have been called a survivor many times. It's not a term that I find enduring. However, we must look at it as a complement to our personal metal. We have what it takes. There will always be obstacles in life. Having the ability to deal with them and move on is a key component in success. The other trait is persistence. Never give up. The best revenge after defeat is in fact, your future success.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Inspiration Leads to Success - How to Find Inspiration

Inspiration is key to staying on track toward your success. Inspiration is the fuel that will power you through the lows that come your way more often than you want. We are after all human and our brains have a safety mechanism called doubt that will tell us to stop when we are challenged to push past our comfort zone. Doubt leads to limiting beliefs. Even going deeper than doubt is the fear of rejection and ultimately, failure.
I have in my own life been caught in the tramp of becoming risk adverse. I have been through a business failure early in my life. I was publicly fired from a CEO Position just two years later. For the record I sued for wrongful dismissal and won. That is a very liberating experience but the strain of going through that process is not for the faint of heart. I then bought in to another business, that like the office products business was in decline. My timing was awful. I was able to get out of that deal with some wounds but still above ground. I have been involved in three other business since and two have had happy endings. What did I learn from these experiences?
  • I learned just how much the human mind and body can take when facing adversity.
  • I learned we do become wiser as we grow older.
  • I came to realize that some times we give up on a goal before we should.
  • I learned that some times we need to move on and cut the losses.
  • I have come to learn that value of patience.
What does all this have to do with inspiration? Well it's a part of my story. I have never given up of my quest to be successful. I have found success in many aspects of my life. I have been lucky to have the burning desire to succeed from an early stage in my life. Those personality traits come from being the grandson and son of two successful families. But how does someone with out that back ground get inspired? I suggest you Google, Best Motivational Books and Best motivational Speeches. There is an amazing amount of material for you to use to help get you inspired. It's all at your finger tips. Once you have made the decision you need more success in your life, you will need to do the following things.
  • Create a purpose for doing this and write it down.
  • You will need meaningful goals with time lines.(not just a to do list)
  • You at the very least need to find several books to read that will both inspire and be educational.
  • You need to find a mentor. Some one you can emulate.
  • Read something every day that will inspire you.
  • You must adapt an abundance mindset. There is lots to go around.
  • Read something motivational before you go to sleep. You will wake up inspired.
  • Spend more time with motivated people. It's contagious.
Opportunity has a never ending supply. It is available to all who attempt to step outside their comfort zone and live the life of their dreams. We some times need a boost to stay inspired. All those tools are available at your finger tips at little or no cost. There is no good reason on this green earth that you can not do this for yourself. You are your biggest asset. Your body and your mind are full of resources that can take you to levels you never dreamed possible.

Article Source:

3 Tips for Getting Over Bad Habits Hindering Your Success

The most widely read of my articles are those articles dealing with setbacks and roadblocks to your success. The truth of the matter is we all are faced with attempting to change how we currently do things. We strive to improve our present situation in life. It does not matter if it's personal or business. Deep down we want to improve our selves. The difficulty with shaking those unwanted habits has to do with our conditioned preferences. I believe habits are formed as a route of least resistance to do what needs to get done. With out even thinking about it!
For those of you who are or have been smokers know the habit thing only to well. I too was an on again, off again smoker for over 20 years. I tried the patch. I tried to not drink coffee or have alcohol which were the association triggers in an effort to quit. What it came down to was my wife saying she loved me and she did not want me to do this to myself. The same can be said for weight gain. We eat foods that we know are harmful towards our health but we continue to do so. I my view smoking and eating are classic examples of habits we all want to break. I also believe they do not really impact our future success as a business person but they do have an impact on how we view ourselves. Habits like procrastination, the fear of failure and laziness are the real stingers that hold us back from achieving personal and or financial success.
Lets assume you know you need to make some changes. The most important thing you need to do before you even start with the three necessary steps is to remove any doubt that you will not succeed. You must to get past the limiting beliefs that you do not have the ability to do this. Will power and determination are crucial to succeeding in changing your unwanted habits. This is a given.
Tip One, Write it Down.
Get out your pen and write down the habit you want to shake. Before you say what the heck Paul. Yes. writing it down validates the issue. When you write it down, it requires thought. After you have acknowledged the habit you want to break you now have to write down how it will feel once you have achieved making the change. This is the feeling and the vision that will propel you.
Tip Two, Change Your Routine
I believe that most of our habits appear during your daily routines. They just happen without our even thinking about it. So a good way to make a change is to change our routine. Make sure that you leave out the unwanted habit in the new daily routine. Vacations are also a great way to make a change. Once you have a change in your environment the association factors do not come into play. This works. They say it takes 30 days to change a habit. The first 7 days are the toughest. Start making the change on a vacation. It works.
Tip Three, Find an Accountability Partner
Back in April I wrote an article, Six Reasons You Will Achieve Success Faster With An Accountability Partner. I believe this is the second most important step in finding success. Second only to commitment and determination. When we have an accountability partner we have to report what we did this week toward achieving our goal. In this case the goal is to shake or change a habit. Telling our accountability partner we did not get it done can be difficult. That's why it works. Simple as that.
You are not alone in wanting to make changes and improve your life. In fact it's very natural. Identifying the habit and why you want to make the change is the key. The support structures you put in place are equally important as we are all human and we often seek the road of least resistance. Success is found on the road less traveled. The road of new experiences that will take you to new heights. Go for it. You can do it.

Article Source:

Six Ways To Maintain A Positive Attitude When Your Emotions Are Low

Do you ever wonder how some people always seem to be happy? You ask yourself, how do they do it? What is it they have that I don't? I believe that some people are naturally happy people. This may come as a result of the environment they grew up in. I also believe that even in the best of families there are challenges for emotional support allowing us to be who we who we want to be. We all suffer mood swings. Moods that appear as a result of recent events both happy and sad. The moods we remember most are those that pull us down. We have a tendency to slip back into limiting beliefs about ourselves at times like this. We need to be cognitive about these negative emotions. Our friends and business associates sense and feel these negative feelings and they will have a tendency to pull back. You then are drawn even deeper into these negative emotions as a result. It can be a vicious circle.
How many times in your life have you heard a friend or business associate say, "I am on a roll right now" I expect you have said that numerous times yourself. Pretty accelerating feelings aren't they? So how can we stay pumped so we can lead a happy and productive life?
  1. Start a gratitude journal. I personally have one. Start your day by writing down all the things you are thankful for in your life. This will help push back the negative feelings that can creep into your day.
  2. Start your day with some quiet time. Get up a half hour before the rest of the family. This can be your time to read and plan your day without the distraction of others. We all need time to our selves. It's a time that we can be proactive in our thoughts and not reactive. It's about maintaining control of our thoughts and emotions.
  3. Take the time to get some exercise. I walk about 20 miles a week. I actually log my walks in my daily journal. I do not take my Ipod. It's a time reflect without distraction. It a great way to walk off frustrations. It's also a great way to keep your blood pressure down.
  4. The morning news on the Radio or TV is always full of negative information. I personally get my news from the internet or a news paper. I choose the news I want to read. With Radio and TV the news it what they want to tell you. Think about it. They are not broadcasting feel good stuff. Why start you day that way?
  5. Tell your family and friends that you love them. Go one step further. Tell them why you love them. When is the last time a loved one barked at you after you told them you love them?
  6. Work toward obtaining an abundance mindset. These two books will help you get to this space. Go and purchase the book. "Chicken Soup for the Soul" by Jack Canfield. I suggest you also purchase and read, Don't Sweat The Small Stuff" by Dr. Richard Carlson. You will feel blessed for all you have. Better still you will come to understand, abundance has a never ending supply.
We all have abundance and so many wonderful things in our lives. It's human nature that we tend to focus on what is not going our way. We struggle to fix what's wrong in our lives. Build on obtaining more of what is good in our lives adverse to trying to fix what we perceive is a problem. One of my favorite sayings is by Mark Twain. "I spent much of my life worrying about things that never happened" There is more abundance on this planet than we could ever imagine. Use to your advantage an abundance mindset. Embrace these feelings to keep you in a positive frame of mind. Most of important of all. Remember to smile. It's contagious.