I remember going through a rough patch in my life almost 10 years ago and I was in total despair over the situation I was in. I was recently divorced and had just lost a job. I was laboring along trying to figure out what I was going to do. I was very lonely and wondering what ever happened to this guy who could do anything he set his mind to. The can do man had lost his spark. One day a friend had come by the house to talk sailing and I was relaying to him my fears and all the obstacles that lay before me. He looked me straight in the eye and said"for Pete's sake would you just stand on your toes and look over the fence". That statement changed everything from that moment forward.
Stand on your toes and look over the fence. How more clear can a statement be? I did not have to climb over the fence or scale a wall. All I had to do was stand on my toes and peek over the top. The possibilities in your life don't always sit on the other side of the room in clear view. You have to stretch sometimes to find what you want in life. What an attitude changer that statement was. I was back in a positive state of mind. I was not ready to put on my super hero cape just yet, but I was on my way. Positive Attitude and Optimism live in the same sphere.
So what is holding you back? Lack of purpose, fear of the unknown or just plain old scared to death. How do you get yourself out of that rut? I have several things I have done over the years to help change my perspective. A couple of them require some quiet time with a pen and paper.
The first one is to start to write a list of all the things that are good in your life and all the things you are great full for. You may be wondering where to start. If you had a great meal last evening, write it down. Do you have a special friend you are a thankful to have. Write it down. Write until you can't think of anything else. I'll bet you have a long list. Just so you know, I keep a Gratitude Book in my left hand desk drawer and I write in it every day. If you wake in the morning mad not looking forward to the day. Take a minute. Pull out the book and start to write all the things you are great full for. Say good bye to the wrong side of the bed!!!
Secondly is that if you are considering making a change in your life or situation I suggest you take the time to write down the benefits and drawbacks. I firmly believe witting helps your visualization. Your asking what does this have to do with a positive attitude. Well consider this. Your consumed with a tough decision that has grabbed your thoughts and your likely full of fear. Take a piece of paper and write at the top what the decision your trying to make. Then draw a line down the middle of the page and write at the top of each side of the page. Pros and the left and Cons on the right. As you list away the decision before you should start to become clear. One tip I would suggest is to put it away after a while then return to it later in the day or the following day. At the end of the exercise you should have a basis from which to make a decision. If it's the same as your initial gut reaction your in really good shape. If it's not you should be pleased that you went through the exercise. Coming to the right decision will help regain your positive attitude.
What signal are you sending out. Do you suppose all the happy people out there want to come sit and chat with a grumpy person. I don't think so. As dumb as it sounds and yes as dumb as it feels I suggest you do these little things to help keep you in that positive state of mind. I expect you have allot to be thankful for. A Positive Attitude will attract good things to your life.