Sunday, April 24, 2011

Six Networking Tips To Use On The Road to Your Success

Your journey on the road to success has many choices on how best to apply your talents and knowledge. We work on our changing our habits that increase our chances of success. We should also be working on changing those have to things into choose to things. You should also apply time to Network Your Way To Personal and Business Success.
Much of the business world is spending time trying to attract customers so we can grow our business. That can be expensive and very time consuming. There is a great way to get exposure at a very little financial cost to you. It's called networking. Before you go and say "I can't stand to be in a room full of pushy sales and business people", you need to look at this from a different perspective. I would suggest that you drop the what's in it for me attitude. Other people in the room will sense you out if that is your agenda. Here are Six Networking Tips to Use On The Road To Your success.
  1. I personally feel that you first need to make it fun. Just imagine you are at a cocktail party with a room full of people you may not know. Now this group is after all a group of people from different walks of life who have a story to tell and so do you.
  2. I have learned several ways to break the ice that I find effective. Scan the room and try to find a person alone or a group of three or more. One should at first avoid cutting in or imposing on a one on one conversation.
  3. Find a person standing alone in the room can win you big points and an opportunity should you go and introduce yourself. A good opener is " This is my first time at an event with this group. Do you mind me asking if you have been here before?" If it is their first time you have broken the ice. If it is not their first time then you would ask " Well it's mine and I don't know a person in the room." Take note this is you who is asking questions and looking for advise. This will then lead to other questions you may ask about the other individual. Who there are. What they do etc. In my opinion the best way to continue is to make the conversation about them. Don't worry they will start to ask questions about you.
  4. Be sure you are genuine. It is key to be listening to what they say. If your thinking about the next question your going to ask or say something about you while they are talking your done. As they say you only have one chance at a first impression.
  5. Find a good way to move along to another person or group once the conversation gets difficult or stale. Hand over your business card and ask for theirs.
  6. Tomorrow you should drop them an email and say how nice it was to meet them. If there was a business fit you can try to move it along to a future business meeting. If it was not a fit and they liked and trusted you there is an opportunity for them to be a referral for potential customers.
There are many things one must do to achieve success. Using networking as a source for referrals is fantastic. It might take a little longer than the direct sales approach. I call it pulling business instead of pushing business. It's fun to.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Daily Habits of Successful People

It is an accepted fact that it takes at least 30 days to create a new habit. I look at a habit as something we do on autopilot. It becomes part of our routine. Just imagine how life would be knowing that after we change something for the better it brings success into our lives. 30 days in the big scheme of things is a very short period of time. So why is it so difficult to embrace change that will enhance our lives. Successful people have bad habits to. The main difference is they know what they are and consciously work to counteract the bad tendencies.
Successful people in my view have a daily routine that unfolds in much the same way every day although what takes place in the day may be very different. Successful people have defined the daily patterns that work best for them. Remember if there was a recipe for success we would have all bought the book. These six daily habits are and will continue to be used by successful people.
  1. Successful people plan for tomorrow at the end of each day. This allows you to prioritize and deal with what I call the Have To Things from the Choose to Things. Keep in mind that successful people choose to do the have to things as they know it will drive them toward success. Call it crazy, but tomorrow is rattling around in your brain all night while sleeping and you don't know even know it.
  2. Successful people review their goals on a daily basis. Remember, that to reach many of our goals that we probably have smaller pieces of the goal that need to be addressed on a daily basis.
  3. Most of the top successful people exercise and are fit. Exercise actually increases your energy levels.
  4. Successful people read and study what is going on in their respective fields and industries. They want to know what the competition is doing. They want to be up to speed on the latest trends. Sometimes the difference between being on top and been second is a fraction of an inch.
  5. Successful people now how to focus. The have the ability to deal with or move aside distractions that consume their valuable time.
  6. Successful people come to work early and leave later. There is no substitute for hard work. Ad working smarter (see 4) and the success rate takes a huge jump.
It is a shame that many people get up in the morning and deal with things that come toward them. They live life reacting to their environment instead of taking charge of their environment. When you plan your day toward achieving success it will in most cases likely happen. Many of the worlds successful people learn it from their parents as they grow up. They are actually submerged in the success lifestyle. It has become a habit at an early stage. For those who have not grown up in that environment it takes planning, focus and having a set of realistic goals to aim toward. The most important habit of all is to have the burning desire to succeed.

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Saturday, April 9, 2011

Six Reasons You Will Achieve Success Faster With An Accountability Partner

In the quest for success there are numerous ways to help keep us on track. Each of us have different motivators and the key is to find these feel good things that we can capitalize on. These motivators can include fear, money, love, recognition and health to name a few. To achieve a goal we first need to know two things. First is knowing what we want to accomplish and secondly knowing what our motivator is to achieve the goal. It is my view the number one fast track to success with your goals is using an accountability partner.
An accountability partner is just that. Someone who you must share your goals and objectives with and keep this individual up to date on your progress. Your accountability partner needs to know what your goals are and why you want to achieve these goals. This person should also be neutral and preferably someone who will ask the tough questions when you do not move forward on your goals. What did you need to accomplish this week for you to move forward with the success of these goals. I feel it best if your accountability partner has some goals he or she is looking to achieve as well. This way both of you gain benefit from the relationship and share in each others success. I guard against using family members and friends as accountability partners. These individuals tend to be biased or can simply be cheerleaders. It's OK to let ones spouse know your goals as they too will want to know your progress. Another benefit of doing what you said you would do is that your spouse or friend becomes a welcome cheerleader.
I have personally used an accountability partner on many occasions. In fact, myself and another professional coach and motivational speaker check in with each other every week to report on the progress with our individual goals. The pure fact that we have to report to each other at the end of each week puts on the pressure to do what we said we would do this week. How do you think you would feel if you had to tell your accountability partner you did not work toward your goals this week? The reason better be a good one if you did not. The dog ate my homework just won't cut it. The six benefits of using an accountability partner are
  1. The accountability partner will help confirm the goal is realistic.
  2. They will help you create and follow an acceptable time line for the goal.
  3. An accountability partner has your best interest at heart and not theirs.(not a sales manager)
  4. Just the fact you have to report your progress motivates you to complete the task.
  5. For the most part it's free.
  6. The fact that you are able to share your progress and ultimate success is uplifting.
So it's not that difficult to see the reasons why an accountability partner will help move at a faster pace toward your success. The challenge is finding the right person to work with you. If you can't find the right person or need some assistance a professional may be the way to go. Success is there for your taking. Having a support system in place creates a team approach and we all know that two can be better than one.

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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Every Day You Procrastinate Is A Day Lost In Achieving Success

Procrastination is the number one stumbling block to achieving your dreams and your goals. Procrastination is the ball and chain that will always be with you until you make the decision to push through the pain associated with change. I believe that procrastination exists because there is the fear of rejection or fear of failure associated with the task or goal before you. Yes procrastination can appear in the things we hate to do but it still relates back to pain. In an earlier article "Achieve Success By Changing The Daily Have To Things Into Choose To Things" I discussed the theory about the mindset and why you should take this approach. Lets imagine you have bought into the idea of Choose To Over Have To, but you have hit the wall and can't get past taking the first step. Your procrastinating. You know you need to get at it but you just can't. Keep in mind we can plan until the cows come home but nothing happens until we do something. Your thinking you will turn on your power of attraction mindset and it will happen. No. That's no going to happen either. It boils down to actually doing something and you get the ball rolling. There is no one simple winning formula. Here are four ways to help put your mind more at ease in dealing with procrastination.
  1. The number one thing I do, and yes it does happen to me too, is I write down how I will feel once I get the task or change required completed. Write down what is the absolute worst thing that can happen if you do not succeed in tackling our in making this change. Please believe me. It's not front page news. Not even the last page.
  2. Take the personal out of it. Some one says no or the idea does not work. The worst thing they can say is no. No one thinks the worse of you. In fact the person who said no might even being saying I wish I had the nerve and the ability to be able to do that. Yes it takes guts to make a tough ask and face rejection. But they have not rejected you. They rejected what you were trying to sell.
  3. Let 's look at something that is not sales related. Lets consider the case of building a website for example. Lets imaging once again that you are not that technologically inclined and you are trying to build a web site. You have this mental block towards the pain of doing this. My suggestion is just imagine the joy of actually completing it. Imagine what you have learned. Imagine how it will help grow your business. Yes it might take a day locked away in a room but you wrestled with the monster and you got the job done. Yahoo.
  4. Face the fear and do it anyway. Covey has said it in his book the "The Seven Habits of Highly Success People". Jack Canfield has written about it in His Book "The Success Principals". Susan Jeffers has written a book about it called"Feel The Fear and Do It Anyway" All great reads to help you get past the fear and the pain of rejection.
Some one has said no and you have survived. That wasn't so bad. Maybe I will try that again. In summary I suggest you look at it this way. Everything is easier to do the second time around. Success is just the other side of some pain and anguish. That pain will go away. In fact the pain will be very short lived. You have blazed a new trail. Each and every trip down that trail gets easier especially if the trail leads to your future success.

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